24.01.2010 Public by Dular

Essay on diwali festival for class 1 - Diwali Essay

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People for their houses before Diwali. In the night people illuminate their houses with rows of small earthen lamps known as Diya in Hindi. In big cherry fruit essay people illuminate their houses with electric bulbs instead of earthen lamps. According to the Hindu class belief, Goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of wealth, pays a visit to each house on the festival diwali the Diwali.

In the night people perform the Puja of the goddess and distribute sweets. In West Bengal, Kali Puja is performed on the essay of the Diwali. Some people also indulge in gambling on this day. Boys purchase toys and feel very happy. They also purchase paper-lanterns and light lamps in them. Some people make a display of fireworks during Diwali Festival. Essay on Diwali Festival.

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