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Kennedy has been a national author for Holt McDougal Mathematics sincehaving co-authored 14 textbooks. Kennedy received his Ph. In this role he was responsible for a broad array of activities, including curriculum development, professional development, program evaluation, and student and teacher assessment, as they relate to the 18th century essay of school mathematics.

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He has assisted in the practice of the Texas Instruments practice of graphing calculators and handheld holts since His current focus is mathematics teacher training and promoting appropriate use of handheld technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Waits developed the Technology Labs in the Holt Math programs. Features throughout the textbook provide opportunities for students to master the Standards for Mathematical And.

Units in the Student Editions holt with an introduction to the new Standards and Key Vocabulary in the Unpacking the Standards section.

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Guided-discovery lessons help students develop conceptual understanding and include Essential Questions and Reflect prompts. Lessons are followed with scaffolded guided practice, and then additional independent Practice and Problem Solving, so that students master important skills and develop expertise in modeling with the mathematics.

Every unit closes with three or four leveled Performance Tasks followed by an extended Problem Solving Connection modeling opportunity. Every unit concludes with a section of Assessment Readiness test preparation practice that features selected response, constructed response, and extended response items.

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