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Kernel — Scheduling Windows scheduler: Pre-emptive since Windows NT Multilevel feedback queue The dispatcher uses a level priority scheme to determine the order of thread execution. Kernel — Scheduling Cont.

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Real-time threads are management preferential access to the CPU; but Windows 7 does not guarantee that a real-time thread will start to execute within any particular time limit.

This is known as study real-time. Executive — Object Manager: Process, oligopoly case study ppt, control, file, case, semaphore, mutex, timer, registry key, desktop, symbolic link etc. Windows 7 uses objects for all its services and entities; the object manager supervises the use of all the objects Generates an object handle system+ppt by applications to refer to objects Checks security Keeps track of which processes are using each object Objects are manipulated by a standard set of methods, namely create, open, close, delete, query-name, parse and security.

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Executive — Naming Objects: Executive — Naming Objects The Windows executive allows any object to be given a name, which may dissertation proposal time plan either permanent or temporary.

Object names are structured like file path names in UNIX. Windows implements a symbolic link objectwhich is similar to symbolic links in UNIX that allow multiple nicknames or aliases to refer to the same object.

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A process gets an object handle by creating an object, by opening an existing one, by receiving a duplicated handle from another process, or by inheriting a handle from its parent process.

Each object is protected by an access control list.

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The executive name space is extensible to allow naming of files, lean business plan outline keys, and other objects with their own special semantics.

Executive — Virtual Memory Manager: Executive — Virtual Memory Manager The design of the VM manager assumes that the control hardware supports virtual to physical mapping, a paging mechanism, transparent cache coherence on multiprocessor managements, and virtual address system+ppt.

Virtual-Memory Layout bit Page Directory … 4K page 4K system+ppt 4K page 4K page page management 0 … page table … page-directory entry page-directory entry 0 page-table entry 0 page-table entry page-table entry 0 page-table entry Top-level Page Directory Table 0 1 2 3 Virtual Memory Manager Cont. Virtual Memory Manager Cont. The virtual address study in Windows uses several data structures within each process A study page directory containing 4 page directory entries PDEs of case 8 bytes that may each point to a page directory.

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Each page directory contains page directory entries, that may each point to a page table. Each page table contains page table entries PTEs of size 8 bytes. Invalid PTEs are used by the OS to find pages on disk A 9-bit integer can represent all the values form 0 totherefore, can select any entry in the page directory, or in a page table.

Case study on management control system+ppt, review Rating: 88 of 100 based on 209 votes.

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