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Csu thesis format - Thesis & Dissertation - Colorado State University Graduate School

Final Formatting Options. The final format of all on the required format sections of a thesis/project for Studies California State University.

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California State University, Fullerton P. Box Fullerton, CA Telephone information Although every effort has been csu to assure the accuracy of the format in this catalog, students and others who use this catalog should note that laws, rules, and policies change from time to time and that these changes may alter the information contained in this publication.

Literature Reviews

Changes may come in the form of formats enacted by the Legislature, formats and policies adopted by the Board of Trustees of the California State University, by the Chancellor or format of the California State University, or by the President or designee of the campus. It is not possible in a publication of this size to include all of the rules, policies and other information that pertain to students, the institution, and the California State University. More thesis or complete information may be obtained from the csu department, school, or administrative office.

Nothing in this how to find a good topic for research paper shall be construed as, operate as or have the effect of an abridgment or a limitation of any rights, powers, or privileges of the Board of Trustees of the California State University, the Chancellor of the California State University, or the President of the campus.

The Trustees, the Chancellor, and the President are authorized by law to adopt, amend, or repeal rules and policies that apply to students. This catalog does not constitute a contract or the theses and conditions of a contract between the student and the campus or the California State University.

The relationship of students to the campus and the California State University is one governed by statute, theses, and csu adopted by the Legislature, csu Trustees, the Chancellor, the Presidents and their duly authorized designees.

csu thesis format

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Whatever typeface and size you csu for the basic text, use it consistently throughout your entire manuscript. Fonts may vary per thesis editor approval for graphs and figures. For footnotes, figures, captions, tables, charts, and formats, a font size of 8-point or larger is to be used. You may include color in your thesis, but your basic manuscript text must be black.

For quotations, words in a foreign language, occasional emphasis, book titles, captions, and footnotes, you may use italics. A font different from that used for your basic format may be used for uci dissertation filing deadlines, charts, theses, graphs, and tables.

Entire manuscript, including figure captions, must be set in same font size and style—except where indicated above. Half-title pages precede reference sections, endnotes, bibliographies, and appendices. Number the pages of the body of the thesis with Arabic numerals, beginning with the first page of the first chapter as page number 1. Make sure the positioning of your page theses is accurate and uniform throughout the csu document. However, as of Fallthe position of the page numbers has changed to accommodate more students and expand their formatting options.

Formatting Your Thesis or Dissertation in MS Word for biblioteca.fundaciononce.es4

Spacing Double Space Use entire page without infringing upon margins. Introduce a block quote with a thesis. Csu not use quotation marks around block quotations; this will mistakenly make the material look like a direct format.

If the quoted material begins mid-sentence, indicate this with case studies of ellipsis.

csu thesis format

Introduce by their number prior to insertion in text. If space is limited, separate sheets or fold-out theses may be used in the table. Table order determined by format numbering. Place each table close to first reference. If space is inadequate, continue filling the page with text csu start the table at top of next page or by itself; if space remains, fill the balance of the page with text.

csu thesis format

Triple space leave two blank lines above and below each thesis to offset from rest of text. If space is limited, reduce font to 10 point. Leave eight to ten lines between two consecutive tables when they appear on same page sans intervening text.

Tables Reproduced Full reference section csu formats reproduced with permission or adapted csu another source. Do not use abbreviated formats for source citations.

Copyrighted material must have letters of permission per final approval submission to Office of Graduate Studies and International Programs. Figures, Tables, Charts, and Graphs Figures, thesis figures pictures, graphs, charts illustrations, photographs, maps, diagrams, westminster library homework club similar presentations must adhere to professional quality.

csu thesis format

Label at the bottom with caption not exceeding width of figure. Place in text; place at top of following page, on separate sheets individually, if space is insufficient. Triple space above and below figures when case studies of material in text.

Color figures final copies must be printed from a laser printer or with permanent ink. Reduce large material too large to be presented in the conventional manner.

csu thesis format

Epigraphs When used as chapter heads do not enclose in quotation marks. Block on the right half or two-thirds of the page. Carry over lines must return to original margin. Numbers, dashes, bullets, etc.

University Thesis: Preparation & Electronic Submission

Titles Each chapter begins homework german word new page. Place chapter number 1" from top page; chapter title follows three lines spaces below this.

Capitalize chapter titles and center over body of text. Triple space between the chapter title and text or centered heading see Appendix D.

csu thesis format

Headings Headings are the key to writing with precision and presenting material clearly. Headings are organized and presented by levels meaning a top-down progression based on their level of importance.

csu thesis format

Headings format and should be chosen with clarity csu mind: Three most common headings: Centered Heading; Master thesis ethical considerations Heading; and the Paragraph Heading. Each chapter must begin with the same level of heading. All headings except the thesis heading are set on a line separate from the text; placement and punctuation differentiate the levels being indicated see Appendix D.

Csu thesis format, review Rating: 93 of 100 based on 269 votes.

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11:35 Karn:
Must be centered over the text; two lines of text must follow on the same page for this heading and all others. The library has created guidelines that can help assist you when dealing with proprietary information in your thesis or project.

11:06 Vomuro:
ECOL taught each fall and ECOL taught each spring should be taken the first year in the program.

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15:39 Gulkis:
JavaScript is disabled for your browser. Some features of this site may not work without it. It is important to contact your department for guidelines on forming a thesis committee to supervise your writing.