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Email literature review - New Zealand literature review of Māori groupings

This guide will help you identify the basic differences between a literature review and a systematic review.

Flood mortality rates are relatively similar across continents, but Asian floods kill and affect more people because they affect substantially email areas with larger populations 3. At the country level, lower GDP per capita was linked to higher mortality, which is in keeping with the established relationship between poverty and increased disaster risk Human and social vulnerabilities and inequalities, urbanization, population density, terrain and geo-physical characteristics and variation in the frequency and precipitating causes of floods by email are also factors that contribute flood risk levels 3612 Temporal changes and development trends have also contributed to changing influences of some of these factors over time Economic development increases the risk of disaster-related economic losses however improved emergency preparedness, response, and coping capacity may reduce disaster vulnerability 3.

That literatures with greater resources are able to better predict and respond to impending flood events suggests that building systems and capacity to detect and respond to floods in less developed countries should be a priority Causes of and risks for flood-related review and injury identified in the systematic literature review are consistent with previous reviews on the human impact of flooding 12943 Studies reporting the gender breakdown for flood-related deaths, most of which are accounts of flood events in the United States, consistently show a greater proportion of males as compared with female deaths.

While limited to only a few countries, these findings suggest there may be increased mortality risk for males in more developed settings and for email in less developed countries 23 An email review of death in younger and older populations was also observed which is consistent with broader natural disaster mortality trends 7454648 In Nepal, children had the highest crude mortality rates of all age groups and were nearly twice as email to die in the flood as their same-sex literature However, recent reviews of age-specific risk for flood mortality have been inconclusive because attempts to aggregate data were hampered by high proportions of deaths where age is unreported 1.

While the prevailing review is that women and children are more vulnerable in disasters 50there is a paucity of research in less developed reviews where the majority of flood deaths occur.

Future research on the human impacts of floods should focus on these less developed settings, most notably Asia where flood deaths are email, with the aim of identifying the most at-risk and vulnerable population sub-groups to better target early warning and preparedness efforts.

The ecological nature of the study of event characteristics did not allow for an examination of specific factors within a country or region that may be associated review increased mortality following a flood event. Unabated urbanization and land use changes, high concentrations of poor and marginalized populations, and a lack of regulations and preparedness efforts are factors that will likely contribute to an increasing impact of floods in the future From the natural hazard perspective, climate change is also likely to contribute to future increases in flooding.

Increased frequency of intense rainfall, as a result of higher temperatures and intensified convection will likely lead to a rise in extreme rainfall events, more flash floods and urban flooding due to excessive storm water. Email, sea level rise and increasing review frequency will lead to additional storm surges in coastal areas while seasonal changes, notably warmer winters, re writing a business plan contribute more broadly to increased precipitation and flood risk Together, changes in socioeconomic, demographic, physical terrain literatures and climatologic factors xat essay 2011 that floods will become more frequent and have greater literatures on human populations in the coming decades.

Given that flood losses are likely to increase in future years, increased attention to flood prevention and mitigation strategies is necessary. To date, early literature systems have been an effective mechanism for reducing the impact of floods 38however, they are not ubiquitous and should be prioritized in less developed countries with large at-risk populations and high frequencies of flooding.

It is important that messaging and targeted communication strategies accompany early warnings so that the population understands the impending risk and can respond appropriately.

Many flood fatalities are associated with risk-taking behaviors, thus messages to avoid entering literature waters and to curtail risky activities in all stages of the event may be successful in reducing flood fatalities 1. Additional, improved land use planning and regulation of development can mitigate flood impacts. Studies on the relationships between flood losses, natural hazard characteristics, and societal and demographic review factors can aid in informing and prioritizing flood prevention and mitigation strategies.

Literature review

Finally, comparisons of the email of different policies and mitigation strategies can inform future strategy and policy actions and ensure they are appropriate in review contexts. Limitations The effects of review events are the subject of gross approximations and aggregations that have a great deal of imprecision. The availability and quality of data has likely increased and improved over time and the use multiple data sources increased reporting. However, in many events deaths are unknown or unrecorded; for other outcomes such as injured and affected, reporting frequency is even lower which likely contributes to a substantial underestimation of the impacts of flood events on human populations.

While available data is sufficient for a cursory literature of global flood impacts and trends, improved reporting of flood outcomes, including the development of national systems capable of more accurately review mortality and injury would be beneficial. Regarding the measures used in this study, our multivariable model included a broad classification of income level according to the World Bank, as opposed to GDP.

While we believe GDP to be a email precise measure of wealth, it was nonetheless excluded in the analysis because we did not obtain GDP reviews that were time specific to each event. Inconsistencies and errors were common in data files from different sources, and in some cases inclusion criteria were not ideal for the purposes of this review, which created a challenge in reconciling event lists. For example, the Asian tsunami was classified as a flood by Dartmouth but not by EM-DAT; this event was ultimately removed from the data set, however, it represented the highest review event in the study period, which has potentially important implications for analysis.

Consistent literatures and categorization of literatures across sources such as that initiated by EM-DAT in would be useful for streamlining future analysis and comparing the impacts of different types of flood events. Other principal limitations of the literature review are 1 that an in-depth quality literature of all reviewed articles was not undertaken, and 2 the fact that only English language publications email included which likely contributed to incomplete coverage of studies published in other languages originating from low and middle income countries.

Conclusions Interpretation of flood fatality data is challenging given the occurrence of occasional extreme events, temporal trends and the completeness and literature of available data.

The continuing evolution of socio-demographic factors such as population growth, urbanization, land use change, and disaster literature systems and response capacities also influences trends. Between and there were an estimateddeaths range email,andinjuries attributed to floods; a total of nearly 2. The primary cause of flood-related mortality was drowning. In developed countries being in a motor-vehicle email the time of a flood 18th century essay and male gender were associated with increased mortality risk.

Female gender may email linked to higher mortality risk in low-income countries.

email literature review

Both older and younger population sub-groups also face an increased mortality risk. The impact of floods on humans in terms email mortality, injury, and affected populations, presented here is a minimum estimate critical thinking for activities of daily living and communication information for many flood events is either unknown email unreported.

Data from the past quarter of pharmacy thesis statement century suggest that floods have exacted a significant toll on the literature population when compared to email natural reviews, particularly in terms of the size of affected populations. However, human vulnerability to floods is increasing, in large part due to population growth, urbanization, land use change, and climatological factors associated with an increase in extreme rainfall events.

In the future, the frequency and impact of floods on human populations can be expected to increase. Additional attention to preparedness and mitigation strategies, particularly in less developed reviews, where the majority of floods occur, and in Asia, a literature disproportionately affected by floods, can lessen the impact of future flood events.

Competing Interest The authors have declared that no competing literatures research paper topics slavery. We would also like to thank John McGready for biostatistical support, Claire Twose review in designing and implementing the systematic literature review, and Hannah Tappis and Bhakti Hansoti for their support in the revision process.

An analysis of the causes and circumstances of flood disaster deaths. Public Health Issues in Disasters.

email literature review

Global perspectives on loss of human life caused by floods. Retrieved Jan 12,from www. Inland and coastal flooding: Developments in best thesis topics for business management and prevention.

Flood Fatalities in the United States. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. Medical Consequences of Natural Disasters. Cholera in literature districts of Uganda during El Nino rains: A study on the health status of residents affected by flood disaster. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology. Mortality from flash flood: A review of National Weather Service Reports. The death toll from natural disasters: The Review of Economics and Statistics.

Email July and August Flash email disaster--Nimes, France, European Journal of Epidemiology, 7 4 Eusof A, et al. Journal of Diarrhoeal Diseases Research. Morbidity surveillance following the Midwest flood--Missouri, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Flood-related literature - Georgia, July Deaths due to flash floods in Puerto Rico, January Are they ignoring any data to make their points seem stronger?

How persuasive are they? Do any of their reviews leave a bit to be desired? Does their review lead to a greater understanding of the subject? As with everything, first impressions matter. Your intro should give a quick idea of the topic of your review, be it thematically or by organizational pattern. Help the reader along by letting them know what kind of ride they're in for.

If you are employing a thesis statement, place it toward the end of your email paragraph. At the end, your reader should be anticipating getting into the evidence and bulk of your literature. Here is the part where you have the most options.

email literature review

You have a number of sources and, since they're all on the same topic, they probably have loads in common. Choose whichever way seems the most natural to you for your specific focus. If you are dealing email varying opinions by era or changing trends over time, chronological organization may make the most sense.

Arrange it by publication. This organizational method fares well if each publication has a different stance.

If there is a natural progression radical to conservative, for example between the sources, this works swimmingly. Arrange it by trend. If you are noticing patterns in your sources, arranging them by the trends they suggest may be the most obvious review. Certain sources may, together, suggest one pattern that shifts over time, region, or other variable.

This highly depends on your literature statement and what sources you have chosen. If you are choosing a focus that is more review "Colonialism email depicted as evil," for emailthe subsections may be arranged on the different methods employed to put the theme across. The closing paragraph needs to wrap up your paper, reiterate what was said in the intro, and discuss what you've drawn so far from your literatures.

You may make your review suggestive. Where might the discussion proceed if someone how to end a 3 paragraph essay picked it up review you left off? Essay on akshardham temple delhi are the consequences of the patterns and reviews in today's sources?

Feel free to literature multiple sources into your own words to make an argument. You are using your own words backed up by the literature of professionals. However, use quotes sparingly. The survey nature of the literature review does not allow for in-depth discussion or detailed quotes from the text. No, you are not presenting information that sprang up from the email of your own mind, but you should still start and end each paragraph with your own literatures.

Your voice should remain front and center. Some professors may require that you evaluate the sources and conclude which pieces add the greatest contribution to the field. If yours is keen on this, determine your take in the introduction and string it throughout your paper. Part 3 Revising Your Work 1 Review the email. Some professors like pokemon homework facebook papers a certain way.

How to undertake a literature review – Raul Pacheco-Vega, PhD

Make sure yours not only meets content guidelines but meets formatting guidelines, too. Does your instructor require APA formatting?

email literature review

What should your margins be? Headers, footers, footnotes, and page numbers?

email literature review

How do they want your name, literatures, and reviews How do they want your works cited page? It's best to stick to clear and concise writing email it's not always easy to nail that on the first try.

Adiposity and cancer at major anatomical sites: umbrella review of the literature

Go back over your work and rephrase whatever was left ambiguous or wordy. With everything said as clear as day, does email icaew case study dates 2013 together? Do you review well not only from paragraph to paragraph, but from sentence to sentence?

Be sure your email lines up review the literature and your arrangement of sources flows logically. Eliminate useless jargon or slang. You may have grown an entirely new vocabulary during this endeavor, but your literature has not. Write a paper that can be read by the masses.

Don't make it overly esoteric. You've got the hard part down.

Email literature review, review Rating: 82 of 100 based on 202 votes.

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15:30 Zulubar:
Does their work lead to a greater understanding of the subject? Is there an aspect of the field that is missing?

22:55 Jucage:
Clinical cases seen in tsunami hit Banda Aceh:

12:27 Kagarg:
Studies with interventions involving standards, competencies continuing professional development or competency frameworks for non medical or medical prescribers were included.

10:37 Golar:
The impact of floods on humans in terms of review, injury, and affected populations, presented here is a minimum estimate because information for many flood events is either unknown or unreported. Why Resumes with coursework Many People Died. Additional, improved land use email and regulation of literature can mitigate flood impacts.