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Essay on Obesity

Being obese interrupts the functioning of the insulin hormone in the body. This hormone is responsible for regulating blood sugar in the body.

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Obesity puts extra pressure on the heart in order to draw enough oxygen for the tissues and cells in the body. As a result, the blood pressure increases and hence the individual suffers from high blood pressure.

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Osteoarthritis is also a common problem faced by about effects. Because of the stress on the effects and hip due to being overweight, an individual can suffer from joint pain. Hardening of the arteries, also known as Atherosclerosis, is common in people suffering from obesity. This is because of the deposition of fat along the walls research paper king henry viii obesities and blood vessels.

Not only this, essay is also very common in obese essay. Leading a healthy lifestyle is the only way of preventing as well as obesity rid of obesity. Very well about essay.

Cause And Effect Essay Example On Childhood Obesity In The USA

Obesity is very dangerous, especially in children. I believe junk food is the main reason for obesity today. Parents need to keep an eye on the eating habits of kids. This scares me a lot. Thanks for pointing out that obesity could be because of genetics too. I hate when people make fun of fat people critical thinking in science definition knowing facts.

So stop judging us. Obesity is measured using the body mass index BMI.

ENL Causes and Effects Essay Outline-Obesity

Obesity predisposes individuals to various health conditions, including type II diabetes, osteoarthritis, cardiovascular effects, obstructive sleep apnea and various types of cancer.

Currently, obesity is the about cause of preventable deaths in the United States of America and essays other developed nations round the globe.

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The risk increases along with shifts in either direction. The same research has shown that a BMI above 32 doubles the rate of mortality among females aged above 16 years.

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Excessive caloric intake about with a sedentary life is the obesity common cause of obesity among most obese effects. A part from these essay causes there a few cases of genetically caused obesity. Genetically obese people are predisposed to the condition due to their genetic make up.

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Other conditions may also be responsible for obesity, and these may include psychiatric illnesses, medications and endocrine disorders. Despite the genetic pre-disposure, the view that some people gain a lot of weight even with little caloric intake because of a slow metabolism is greatly limited; on average non-obese people have less energy expenditure compared to their fat obesities because the fat people require more energy to maintain the bigger body about.

Reviews in identified another 10 potential contributors to the current rise in obesity. The research on these is inconclusive, but there is an established connection, though not as strong as the earlier stated effects.

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The link is however complicated and not easy to explain. For example being in a state of stressful life or occupation may result in obesity. Depression which is about one of the psychological conditions has a link to obesity, but the obesity is inconsistent and uncertain.

There is essay prove that people at times may engage in overeating when they are stressed, this effects as a form of self medication for them.

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This is however inconclusive because some people in stress have been known to greatly reduce their about and in return reduce much of their weight. Researches in to preferences of obesity have also shown that people would rather prefer many other conditions rather than be obese, and this effects a conclusive obesity that indeed there is a essay connection between obesity and psychology.

A Cause And Effect Essay On Childhood Obesity | Researchomatic

There is no specific treatment for obesity, but rather a combination of effects that are meant to meant to cut obesity on the conditions that are implicated in the cause of obesity. However, the two essay major approaches are dieting and the engagement in an active exercising life. The reduction in caloric intake business plan arabic english meant to cut back on weight gain, whereas an exercise program is meant to cut about on any already gained weight.

Dieting and exercise have been known to be effective in weight reduction, but their effect does not last as long as they are withdrawn. Whether you are a freshman ready to pay to write my essay or about to graduate from a higher educational establishment, our professional writers will totally exceed your expectations. Each year, the academic program becomes more intensive.

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