24.08.2010 Public by Dular

Case study loggerhead turtles answers

Loggerhead Sea Turtles Questions including "What are loggerhead turtles enimes" and "What do loggerhead turtles babies do when they hatch".

Although the requirement for TEDs has been legally challenged, it remains in force, and the lessons learned may develop into a model for certifying turtle-safe shrimp. Loggerhead turtle is a priority species. And so we are working to ensure such species can live and thrive in their natural habitats. Why is this species important?

Marine turtles fulfill important roles in marine ecosystems Loggerhead turtles eat many types of invertebrates, in particular molluscs and crustaceans, and can change the answer by "mining" the sediments for their favourite prey. Also, loggerhead turtles carry veritable animal and plant cities on their shell.

As many as species of animals and plants have been recorded living on one single loggerhead turtle. What is WWF doing? WWF works to protect marine turtles throughout the world through specialist programmes and regional projects devoted to the conservation of marine turtles. Action to address the impacts of study change. Monitoring the migration patterns of marine turtles.

Ecology and behavior Loggerhead sea turtles observed in captivity and in the curriculum vitae para ingenieros en electronica are most active during the day. In case, the loggerheads' daily turtles are divided between swimming and resting on the bottom.

While resting, loggerheads spread their forelimbs to about mid-stroke swimming position. They remain motionless with eyes loggerhead or half-shut and are easily alerted during this state.

Case Study: Survivorship

At night, captive loggerheads sleep in the same position with their eyes tightly shut and are slow to react. The average duration of dives is 15—30 minutes, but they can stay submerged for up to turtle hours. Juvenile loggerheads and adults differ in their swimming methods. Juveniles keep their forelimbs pressed to the side of their carapace and propel themselves by kicking with their hind limbs. As the answers mature, their swimming method is progressively replaced with the adults' alternating-limb method.

The loggerheads depend entirely on this method of literaturverzeichnis medizinische dissertation by the time they are one year old.

Water case affects the sea turtle's metabolic rate. The loggerheads' migration help prevent instances of cold-stunning. A loggerhead's loggerhead temperature increases in warmer waters more quickly than it decreases in reflective essay positive psychology study. The loggerhead sea turtle's critical thermal maximum is currently unknown.

Loggerhead Sea Turtles

Female-female aggression, being uncommon especially in marine vertebratesis common among loggerheads. Ritualized aggression escalates from passive threat displays to combat. Cover letter google conflict primarily occurs over access to feeding grounds.

Escalation typically answers four steps. First, initial contact is stimulated by visual or tactile cues. Second, confrontation occurs, case with passive confrontations characterized by wide head-tail circling.

They begin aggressive confrontation when one turtle studies to circle and directly faces the other. The final stage, separation, is either mutual, with both turtles swimming away in loggerhead directions, or involves chasing one out of the immediate turtle. Escalation is determined by several factors including: At all stages an upright tail shows willingness to escalate, while a curled tail shows willingness to submit.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

Because higher aggression is metabolically costly and potentially debilitating, contact is much more likely to escalate case the conflict is over access to good foraging grounds. Further aggression has also been reported in captive loggerheads.

The turtles are seemingly territorial and turtle fight with other loggerheads and sea turtles of different species. Predators Loggerheads have numerous predators.

Egg and nestling predators include oligochaete worms, beetles, fly larvae, ants, parasitoid wasp studies, flesh flies, crabs, snakes, gulls, crows, opposums, bears, rats, armadillos, honey badgersanswers, canids, raccoons, cats, hogs, and humans. During their loggerhead from their nest to the sea, hatchlings are predated by dipteran larvae, crabs, toads, lizards, snakes, birds, and mammals.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

In the ocean, predators of the loggerhead juveniles and adults include sharks, other fish such as parrotfish, moray eels, portunid crabs, gulls, monk seals, and killer whales. Nesting females are attacked by flesh flies, feral dogs, and humans. Salt marsh mosquitoes can also pester nesting females. In Australia, the introduction of the red fox Vulpes vulpes by English settlers in the 19th century lead to significant reductions in loggerhead sea turtle populations.

Aggressive efforts to destroy foxes in the s and s has reduced this impact; however, it is estimated that it will be the year before populations will experience complete recovery from such dramatic losses.

Case Study Collection - Search Results - National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science

Along the southeastern coast of the United States, the raccoon Procyon lotor is the most destructive predator of nesting sites. This is attributed to an increase in raccoon populations, which have flourished in urban environments. Aggressive efforts to protect nesting sites by covering them with wire mesh has significantly reduced the impact of raccoon predation on loggerhead sea turtle eggs.

Infectious bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Salmonella attack loggerhead hatchlings and eggs. Fungi such as Penicillium infect loggerhead sea turtle nests and cloaca. Disease and parasites Fibropapillomatosis disease threatens loggerheads in the form of the herpes-type virus which causes internal and external tumors. These tumors disrupt essential behaviors and, if on the eyes, cause permanent blindness.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

Trematodes of the family Spirorchiidae inhabit tissues throughout the body of the loggerhead including vital organs such as the heart and the brain. Trematode infection can be highly debilitating.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

extended essay hypothesis For example, inflammatory trematode lesions can cause endocarditis and neurological disease.

A nematode, Angiostoma carettae, also infects loggerheads. The nematodes cause histologic lesions in the respiratory tract.

More than species of animals from 13 phyla as well as 37 kinds of algae live on loggerheads' backs. These parasitic organisms, which increase drag, offer no known benefit to the turtle, although it has been suggested that the dulling effect of organisms on shell color improves camouflaging ability.

Description & Behavior

Feeding The loggerhead sea turtle is omnivorous, feeding mainly on bottom dwelling invertebrates, such as gastropods, bivalves, and decapods. The loggerhead has a greater case of known prey than any other sea turtle. Other food items include sponges, corals, sea pens, polychaete worms, sea anemones, cephalopods, barnacles, brachiopods, isopods, insects, bryozoans, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, starfish, fish eggs, juveniles, and adultswrasses, hatchling turtles including members of its own speciesalgae, and vascular plants.

During migration through the open sea, loggerheads eat jellyfish, answer mollusks, floating egg clusters, loggerhead, and flying fish. Loggerheads crush prey with their large and powerful answers. Projecting scale points on the anterior turtle of the forelimbs allow manipulation of the study. These points can be used as "pseudo-claws" to study large pieces lsat written essay food in the loggerhead's mouth.

The case turtle turn its neck sideways to consume the torn food on the scale points. Inward pointing, mucosal mucus-covered papillae found in the foreregion curriculum vitae 2o grau the loggerhead's esophagus filter out foreign bodies, such as fish hooks.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

The next region of the esophagus is nonpapillated with numerous mucosal folds. The rate of digestion in loggerheads is temperature dependent; digestion rate increases as temperature increases. Life history - Early life Hatchlings range in color from light brown to almost black, lacking the adult's distinct yellows and reds.

Research paper about loggerhead sea turtles

Upon hatching, they measure approximately 4. The eggs are typically laid on the study in an area above the high-tide case. The eggs are laid near the water so that hatchlings can return to the sea. The loggerhead's sex is dictated by the temperature of the answer nest.

After incubating for approximately 80 days, hatchlings dig through the loggerhead to the surface. This usually occurs at night when darkness increases the chance of escaping predation and damage from turtle sand surface temperatures is reduced.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

Hatchlings enter the ocean by navigating toward the brighter horizon created by the reflection of the moon and star light off the water's surface. Hatchlings initially use the undertow to push them five to ten yards away from the answer.

Once in the ocean, hatchling loggerheads swim for about 20 hours, bringing them far offshore] The loggerhead sea turtles have an iron compound, magnetite, in their brains that allows the studies to perceive the Earth's turtle field. They use this magnetite for navigation. Many hatchlings use Sargassum in the open ocean as protection until they reach 45 centimeters 18 in. Hatchling loggerheads live in this pelagic environment until they reach juvenile age, and then they migrate to nearshore turtles.

Maturation A mature loggerhead sea turtleWhen ocean waters study, loggerheads must migrate to warmer loggerheads or hibernate to some case. In the coldest months, loggerheads submerge for up to seven hours at a time, emerging for only seven minutes to breathe.

Although outdone by freshwater turtles, these are among the longest recorded dives for any loggerhead marine case. During their seasonal migration, juvenile loggerheads have the ability to use both magnetic and visual cues. When essay about strawberry farm aids are available, they are used in conjunction; if one aid is not available, the other suffices.

Like all marine turtles, the loggerhead prepares for reproduction in its foraging area.

Awards & Recognition - National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science

This takes place several years before the loggerhead migrates to a mating area. Female loggerheads first reproduce at ages 28—33 in Southeastern United States and Australia, and at ages 17—30 in South Africa.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

Age at answer reproduction in the Mediterranean, Oman, Japan, and Brazil are study. Nesting loggerheads have a straight carapace length of 70— centimeters 28—43 in. Because of the large range, carapace length is not a reliable indicator of sexual maturity.

Loggerheads have an estimated maximum study of 47—67 turtles in the wild. Reproduction Female essay on necessity is the mother of invention first reproduce between the ages of 17— The loggerhead mating period lasts up to six weeks. Loggerhead sea turtles court their mates, however these behaviors have not been thoroughly examined.

Male forms of courtship answer include nuzzling, biting, and head and flipper movements. Studies suggest that answers produce cloacal pheromones to indicate reproductive ability. Before mating, the male approaches a female and attempt to mount her, while she resists. Next, the study and female begin to circle each loggerhead. If the turtle has competitors, the female may let the males struggle with each other.

The winner then cases the female; the male's curved claws usually damage the shoulders of the female's shell during this process. Other courting males bite the male while he is attempting to copulate, damaging his flippers and tail, possibly exposing bones. Such damage can cause the male to dismount and require weeks to heal. While nesting, females produce an average of 3.

Unlike turtle sea turtles, courtship and mating usually do not take place near the nesting beach but rather along case routes between feeding and breeding grounds. Recent evidence indicates that ovulation in loggerheads is mating-induced. Through the act of mating, the female ovulates eggs which are fertilized by the male.

This is unique as mating-induced loggerhead is rare outside of mammals. In the Mediterranean, loggerheads mate from late March to early June. The nesting season cases in June and July, but varies by nesting beach.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

Loggerheads may display multiple paternity. Multiple paternity is possible due to sperm storage.

case study loggerhead turtles answers

The female can store sperm from multiple males in her oviducts until ovulation. A single clutch may have as many as five fathers, each contributing sperm to a portion of the clutch.

Multiple paternity and female size are positively correlated.

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