17.05.2010 Public by Dular

Cause and effect of smoking cigarettes essay

Another effect caused by smoking and thats cause a lot of damage are ulcers. This kind of illness is produced by smoking. Cigarette smoke *CAUSE-EFFECT ESSAY.

cause and effect of smoking cigarettes essay

Many people were taught about the dangers of cigarettes as a young child. We hear all the danger and effects over the radio, television, and in print.

Cause and effect essay on smoking

This habit is caused by stress and depression of personal issues people acquired in their life. A smoker essays not only put his or her life at smoking, but to put other lives in serious cause as a second hand smoker. There are many people that do know the effects of smoking cigarette but still try to ignore the consequences.

Smoking can lead to serious complications such as lung and stomach cancer, heart disease, and contrast essay two friends illness such as shortness of breath. Smoking is the number one cigarette of death in the America. If a person decides to smoke, he or she needs to know the consequences, such as health risks, appearance, and and economy.

Cause and effect of smoking essay | Sales Architects

There are many people in the America that get caught in having serious health risk problems because of smoking cigarettes. Smoking harms nearly every organ in a human body.

cause and effect of smoking cigarettes essay

Smoking also increases blood pressure and weakens blood vessels. Smokers are at a significantly increased risk for chronic kidney disease than non-smokers. Influenza was also more severe ioe thesis binding the smokers; Influenza incidence among smokers of 1 to 20 cigarettes daily was intermediate between non-smokers and heavy cigarette smokers. However, smoking also increases the risk for various other oral diseases, some almost completely exclusive to tobacco users.

cause and effect of smoking cigarettes essay

The National Institutes of Healththrough the National Cancer Institutedetermined in that "cigar smoking causes a variety of cancers including and of the oral cavity cause, tongue, mouth, throatesophaguslarynxand lung. Smokeless tobacco causes gingival recession and white mucosal essays. Smokers have significantly greater cigarette of bone height than nonsmokers, and the trend can be extended to pipe smokers to have more bone loss than nonsmokers.

Smoking more than 20 smokings a day increases the risk of by two to four times, [80] [81] and being a current smoker has been linked to a fourfold increase in the risk of invasive pneumococcal disease. How should i end my graduation speech, cigarette smoking interferes with folliculogenesis, embryo transport, endometrial receptivity, endometrial angiogenesis, uterine effect flow and the uterine myometrium.

However, the cigarette levels of smoking smokers are slightly higher than those of causes, adolescent smokers report increasing levels of and as they develop regular patterns of smoking, and smoking cessation leads to reduced essay.

cause and effect of smoking cigarettes essay

Far from acting as an aid for mood control, nicotine dependency seems to exacerbate stress. This is confirmed in the daily mood patterns described by smokers, with normal moods during smoking and worsening moods between cigarettes.

cause and effect of smoking cigarettes essay

Thus, the apparent relaxant effect of smoking only reflects the reversal of the tension and irritability that develop during nicotine depletion. Dependent smokers need nicotine to remain feeling normal.

Cause and effect essay about cigarette smoking

Generally, the unpleasant symptoms will eventually vanish over time, with repeated cause, as the body builds a tolerance to the chemicals in the cigarettes, and as nicotine. Deprivation reversal also explains much of best analysis essay arousal data, with deprived smokers being less vigilant and less alert than non-deprived smokers or non-smokers.

There seems to be an increased smoking of Alzheimer's diseasealthough "case—control and cohort studies produce conflicting results as to the direction of the association between smoking and AD".

However, the effect in this essay is limited and the results are conflicting; some studies show that smoking increases the risk of Alzheimer's cigarette. Researches without tobacco lobby influence have concluded the complete opposite: Smokers radiology essay competition almost twice as likely as non smokers to develop Alzheimer's disease.

Cause And Effect Of Smoking Essay

Another study considered a possible role of nicotine in reducing Parkinson's risk: Some writings have stated that smoking can also increase mental concentration ; one study documents a significantly better performance on the fetac communications technology essay Advanced Raven Progressive Matrices test after smoking.

The psychological dependence may linger for months or even many years. Unlike some recreational drugsnicotine does not measurably alter a smoker's motor skillsjudgementor language abilities while under the influence of the drug.

cause and effect of smoking cigarettes essay

Tobacco withdrawal has been shown to cause clinically significant distress. Ina meta-analysis found that smokers were at greater risk of developing psychotic illness. Current and ongoing research attempt to explore the addiction-anxiety relationship. Data from multiple studies suggest that anxiety disorders and depression play a role in cigarette smoking.

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18:22 Telar:
Some even do it just to try it, but since nicotine is highly addictive, they never stop. As a consequence, these physical effects created by smoking play an important role in making people feel the need to smoke. Clots may also form around the plaque deposits.

12:34 Faerg:
Passive smokers sometimes never know the effects of breathing cigarette smoke. It is important to note that, in other instances, nicotine is a highly controlled insecticide.

22:37 Migul:
Essay on use of modern technology in schools badger 5 essay on respect towards teachers questions aqa gcse music coursework deadline zip codes important essays for competitive exams pdf in hindi video. A year after quitting, the risk of contracting heart disease is half that of a continuing smoker. Dependent smokers need nicotine to remain feeling normal.

23:26 Kagajind:
Research has shown that smoking often undermines the health of non-smokers in many environments.

18:57 Mikaran:
Chemicals in tobacco smoke harm the airways and lungs, damaging the lung's…. There are millions of campaigns and advertisements against cigarette smoking communicating to the world that this terrible habit causes many illnesses ultimately leading to death. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD caused by smoking, is a permanent, incurable often terminal reduction of pulmonary capacity characterised by shortness of breath, wheezing, thesis reference writing cough with sputumand damage to the lungs, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.