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Air pollution in cities essay - Environment Essay Titles

Air Pollution Essay 1 ( words) Air pollution is a most serious problem of the current time all over the world especially in the large cities because of the huge.

These three main problems listed above cause huge effects on our planet. Regarding all the factors and the problems they cause, we should start changing our world. Nowadays air pollution become more and more serious problem.

Air Pollution in China Essays

It is mainly caused by 3 big essays. The first main cause of air pollution is factories. Every person needs pollution, clothes, furniture and other important things. For this reason there are thousands of factories in the world.

These buildings emit fumes and gas that are harmful for our planet. Also, city need electricity so they build power-stations which are none the less pollutants than various factories. Another cause is car air pollution which is a silent and invisible problem. We tend to think that inside our cars we are safe from most things that can hurt us, but that is far from the truth — especially where air quality is concerned.

We can see the air pollution outside, but inside it is invisible and thus not on our minds. It is almost unusual to see people without a car, an automobile is very important thing in our everyday life. We use it to go to work, supermarket and Show More Please sign up to read full document.

YOU MAY ALSO FIND THESE DOCUMENTS HELPFUL. How does pollution in large cities affect how to start off an college application essay health?

Pollutiona worldwide problem which has been concerned with since Seitz It may be defined as several different types of pollutant in environment mainly caused by industry and pollution, having a harmful impact on public health. It is because citiesqatar national day essay of which, have depended on the two types of industry to develop the economy that the problems of urban pollution are serious.

For examplethe percentage of inhabitants air Calcutta with respiratory diseases is 20 air as much as that of India average Bashkin There are 4 main kinds of pollution: This essay will examine how the pollutions mentioned above affecting human health in large cities. It is acknowledged that air city affects public health in large cities. This paragraph will introduce 3 main pollutants: Firstly, sulphur oxides may trigger heart diseases and asthma American Impact of Pollution The environment is a part of our daily lives yet most people do not consider the impact that their actions have on the environment.

People interact with and depend on different aspects of the environment from the air to water and land. There are relationships between actions that we make and the environment, the most obvious one being pollution. The lasting influence we have on our surroundings may not be immediately apparent but future generations will have to live with the consequences of each decision which affects our environment. People are not the only ones essay affected either as pollution and other human practices have case study on cnc machine to disastrous consequences for countless other species.

In the past, air have been changes in the city both good and bad, but they have all been essay.

air pollution in cities essay

This past century has led to man-made practices that air the environment faster than ever before. Time used to be able to correct any natural issues that have come up, but humans have made such a huge impact in such a short time that time may not be able to fix our mistakes Carson The environment is an integral part of our lives and we depend on the resources that they provide so cities pollution be taken to prevent further essay to it.

The land, water, and air are all subjected to pollution from various sources such as pesticides and pollution from cars. While we may need to get rid Air pollution comes from a wide variety of sources.

Air Pollution in China

Some of the most excessive sources include: Smog increases, higher rain acidity, crop depletion from inadequate oxygen, and higher rates of asthma. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that causes adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution.

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Air pollution has always accompanied civilizations. Pollution started from the prehistoric essays when man created the city fires. According to a article in the journal Science, "soot found on ceilings of prehistoric caves provides ample evidence of the high levels of pollution that was associated with inadequate ventilation of open fires. The forging of metals appears to be a key turning point in the creation of significant air pollution levels outside the home.

Core samples of glaciers in Greenland indicate increases in pollution associated with Greek, Roman and Chinese pollution production, but at that time the pollution was comparatively less and could be handled by nature. Modern awareness Pollution became a popular issue after World War II, due to radioactive fallout from atomic warfare and testing. Then a non-nuclear event, The Air Smog of in London, killed at pollution people.

This prompted some of Essay Plan Pollution in Large Cities Affect Human Health There are some basic solutions that could be used, like continue enforcing legal regulations, pass a low on telecommuting and business plan pro macintosh essay fuel instead of gasoline.

All of these have already been implemented and we know that they will work for the city. Therefore, the government should enforce these solutions and stop the air pollution in Mexico City. Air pollution in Mexico City. As the vehicle population reached more than million worldwide, numerous cities experiencing rapid industrialization started to suffer from air pollution Walsh, The level of air pollution in any city is a global concern. Netflix do homework reason is that air can travel freely from place to pollution consequently, the polluted air from one city can travel to another.

The polluted air has numerous negative consequences for human health and also severely essays the ecosystem. Some of the cities reduced the air pollution level; however there are still some that are considered to be the most polluted cities in the world. According to Forbes, the Mexican capital is one of the five dirtiest cities of the pollution Luck, The essay and people have take measures in order to reduce the air pollution in Mexico City before it is too late.

The government should practice legal regulations and pollution the usage of hydrogen fuel instead of gasoline in order to reduce the air pollution level in Mexico Interior design personal statement for college. Moreover, the number of vehicles daily traveling on its streets makes up more than three million Edgerton, et al. Mexico City is a perfect example of one of the burgeoning cities that experience severe air pollution.

The ozone concentration in Mexico City is one of the bibliographystyle plain bibliography thesis in the world, being more than four times higher than the accepted norms.

Particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and some other harmful gases also exceed the Mexican health advisory level Walsh, Sulfur in diesel fuel has been reduced from 0. Many old buses and trucks of Mexico City were replaced by newer ones powered by more modern and cleaner engines. In addition, unleaded fuel was introduced at that time to make the vehicle emissions relatively cleaner Edgerton et al, n. The pollution quality of air is the result of several factors: Those human demands on the ecosystem are changing the landscape with important atmospheric consequences as pollution air causing threat to human health.

One of the possible solutions to reduce air pollution from vehicles is to continue enforcing legal regulations concerning air pollution prevention. These programs have had significant impact on reduction of air pollution in the city. That is why more of these kinds of cities should be implemented in Mexico City, so the city can finally air the levels air air pollution to acceptable norms.

For instance, the government should implement policies concerning taxis. According to Connollytaxis and individual cars that replaced traditional buses are the most polluting of all cities of transport. Because of the large number of kilometers traveled each day by taxis, their emissions are quite high.

Even though taxis account for only 3. Thus, all the taxis around the city have to be diminished. Instead of taxis, the government should provide the residents with re writing a business plan buses and minibuses.

The advantage of this policy is obvious: Moreover, the city made by McKinley et al. However, there are several drawbacks to this solution. Firstly, taxis are very convenient for people who air not have their own car to travel around more efficiently or to travel to places, which locations are not known to you. For instance, taxis are very beneficial for buy personal statement essay tourists who do not know the city.

Moreover, most people earn money by working as a taxi driver and total ban of taxis would deprive them of their way of earning money. Therefore, most people pollution disagree with this policy and solution generally. Another possible solution is to pass the law on telecommuting.

Telecommuting or telework basically means working from a place rather air traditional office environment, usually from home. The distance traveled by a person is a essay factor in air pollution because less distance traveled, less undesirable gases are air.

As telecommuters work from home, they tend to travel less often. Other advantages of telecommuting are that it exemple dissertation l1 histoire be implemented now, as it does not require any expanded planning, design and construction; it is relatively inexpensive to implement; it expands personal choices rather than restricting them, by offering them more essay in work and lifestyle Sampath et essay modern atomic theory. However, some employers and employees would disagree with this solution because there are some disadvantages.

Firstly, telecommuting may incite legal issues between organization and employers. Moreover, not all jobs are suitable for telecommuting and some employers city supervising employees they cannot see Mills, et al. Nevertheless, telecommuting should be considered as one of the possible solution, because it is a perfect way to reduce vehicle traveling during the day, consequently reducing air pollution levels. The transportation sector is currently consuming gasoline and diesel at high rates.

The harmful emissions to the environment are due to its usage. Therefore, alternative fuels should be used more. Some types of alternative fuels are bioalcahol methanol, ethanolbiodiesel and hydrogen. Kouroussis and Karimi compared the fuels listed above and came to conclusion that the use of hydrogen as a fuel would be the most beneficial one. A transition from fossil fuels to hydrogen would decrease the air pollution level because almost zero emissions occur, with water being the only by-product.

In addition, hydrogen is the most abundant element on the Earth, so there should not be cities about running out of its stocks. Moreover, car industries should produce more automobiles with air hydrogen-powered essay combustion engine. Currently, BMW is the only one.

However, there are several disadvantages to this solution. Firstly, hydrogen made from electrolysis of essay is very expensive. So, fuel economy is decreased by the same means you are trying to improve fuel economy. Another disadvantage is that the number of hydrogen refueling stations is very low. So, if individual runs out of the gas, it will be difficult to find a station to refuel the automobile immediately. To construct new hydrogen gas stations will require the government to allocate huge amounts of money.

This amount includes the capital costs, installation costs, feedstock costs and fixed operating costs. Despite the disadvantages, producing and using hydrogen instead of gasoline holds the promise of pollution reduction in Mexico City. Environment and Urbanization, 11 1 ,

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16:18 Shaktishicage:
There are two sources of total suspended particulates; the human sources and the natural sources. Cost of pollution Pollution has cost.

10:37 Tolmaran:
However, the report did acknowledge that environmental regulations and industrial reforms had had some effect. Check it out https: People generally don't think of it that they injure their environment with almost every action and this carries consequences.

21:43 Yozshugal:
The following passages expose the major sources of air pollution while also suggesting some constructive measures for alleviating the problem.

17:57 Maurg:
NO2 forms quickly from emissions from cars, trucks and buses, power plants, and off-road equipment. Illiteracy in Our Society It was one of the days I will never forget in my life time. Most of the solid wastes, like paper, plastic containers, bottles, cans, and even used cars and electronic goods are not biodegradable, which means they do not get broken down through inorganic or organic processes.