08.03.2010 Public by Dular

Debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia - Homework - Wikipedia

Say what's on your mind. Display your opinion about whether homework should be banned. Review what others think about the importance of homework.

The purpose of the policy is to make sure learning remains a joy for students, not a second shift of work that impedes social time and creative activity.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

Cera says that when new students are told there will be no homework assignments, they breathe a sigh of relief. Many proponents of homework argue that life is filled with things we don't like to do, and that homework teaches self-discipline, time management and other nonacademic life skills.

Why should homework be banned?

Kohn challenges this popular notion: If kids have no choice in the matter of homework, they're not really exercising judgment, and are instead losing their sense of autonomy.

At the Kino school, Cera says children often choose to take their favorite parts of school home.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

Anecdotal information from Kino graduates suggests that the early control over their education continues to serve them well into college; they feel better equipped to manage their time and approach professors with questions. Parents or relatives may do the homework for the student. Students need time to relax, play and pursue sports and hobbies.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

Homework can make students too tired after a long day at school. It keeps them up too late at night.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

Homework is often meaningless busywork which does not promote real learning. Students from middle- and upper-class homes have better resources to help them with homework.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

After examining the pros and cons where do you stand on the homework issue? What would you add to the debate?

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

On the strength of 39 years of experience as an educator I firmly believe in the efficacy of homework. I know that more homework equates to better academic performance. Few can afford to pay higher school fees.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

Most see the IEB pictures for essay prompts the tougher exam, making it more difficult to achieve distinctions and university admission.

This means that an IEB candidate, who may have achieved better marks with the NSC, will be at a disadvantage when competing with state school matriculants. But once you do get your university place, IEB students fare well. There are also some very good state schools with great reputations in business, she adds.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

But there is no denying that private education is quickly gaining traction in South Africa. Some of the most attractive features of private schools for parents are accountability and the ability to select their own staff, curriculum and method of assessment, says Lee.

The fees of some state schools like Paul Roos in Stellenbosch and Westerford are also closing in on the R20 mark, while top-end established private schools like Michaelhouse charges more than R - boarding included.

At Harvard they complain grades are being inflated because students average higher than Cs.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia

If every student in the class does incredibly well, every student should get high grades. There should be some semblance of relation to competition, so that a B from Harvard would be better than an A from community college.

"homework should be abolished" essay

But it needs to be based more in reality. And enough with these college professors giving tests where they expect a high grade of a 30 out ofand then curve everything up 70 points. Tests should be realistic. The grading system we have DOES encourage students to do well.

debate on homework should be abolished wikipedia
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17:27 Arakora:
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14:54 Dugor:
Harrison stated that 7 were killed outright, 5 died of wounds, and 17 more were wounded.