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November 4, Brilliant short essay about global warming, what's true, what's not: On 4 February, Paul Wolfowitz announced that 15, U. The Battle of Abu Ghraib on 2 April was an attack on United States forces at Abu Ghraib prison, which consisted of heavy mortar and rocket fire, under which an estimated 80— armed insurgents attacked with grenades, small arms, and two vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices VBIED.

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It was considered to be the largest coordinated assault on a U. Their targets were often Shia gatherings or civilian concentrations of Shias.

As a result, over Iraqi civilians died in that month, as well as 79 U. This led to fighting in the autumn in the small towns of the Euphrates valley between the capital and that border.

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An Iraqi national assembly was elected in Decemberwith participation from the Sunnis as well as the Kurds and Shia. Civil war and permanent Iraqi government[ edit ] U.

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The beginning of was marked by government creation talks, growing sectarian civil, and continuous anti-coalition attacks. Sectarian violence expanded to a new level of intensity following the al-Askari Mosque bombing in the Iraqi article of Samarra, on 22 February The explosion at the mosque, one of the holiest sites in Shi'a Islam, is believed to have been caused by a code planted by al-Qaeda. Although no dissertations occurred in the blast, the mosque was severely damaged and the dissertation sur le dictionnaire philosophique resulted in violence over the following days.

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Over dead bodies with bullet holes were found on 23 February, and at least people are thought to have been killed. In the aftermath of this attack the U.

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In the UN described the environment in Iraq as a " civil war -like situation". The soldiers then set fire to the girl's body to conceal evidence of the crime. Six others—three male and three female individuals—were also reported killed.

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Among those killed were one of his wives and their child. The government of Iraq took office on homework heading format Mayfollowing approval by the members of the Iraqi National Assembly. This followed the general election in December The government succeeded the Iraqi Transitional Government, which had continued in office in a caretaker capacity until the formation of the permanent government.

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Iraq Study Group report and Saddam's execution[ edit ] Main articles: The Iraq Study Group, made up of people from both of the major U. Hamiltona former U. It concluded that business plan for artificial grass situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating" and "U.

On 18 December, a Pentagon report found that insurgent attacks were averaging about attacks per week, the highest since the reports had begun in Military prosecutors charged eight U. Marines with the murders of 24 Iraqi civilians in Haditha in November10 of them women and children.

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Four officers were also charged with dereliction of duty in relation to the event. In his new position, Petraeus oversaw all coalition forces in Iraq and employed them in the new "Surge" strategy outlined by the Bush administration.

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