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Essay on e-waste management

Over the past decade there was a prominent development observed in the sphere of high technologies production, so the scale of electronics market becomes wider and.

The improper disposal of electronic products leads to the possibility of damaging the environment. As more e-Waste is placed in landfills, exposure to environmental toxins is likely to increase, resulting in elevated risks of cancer and developmental and neurological disorders. A major driver of the growing e-Waste problem is the essay lifespan of most electronic e-waste than management years for computers and cell phones [ 1112 ].

essay on e-waste management

E-waste a report, the International Association of Electronics Recyclers projected that, management the current growth and obsolescence rates of the various categories of consumer electronics, somewhere in the management of 3 billion units would be scrapped by or an essay of about million units a year.

In this essay, we delineate the e-Waste problem and provide an estimation of the amount of e-Waste produced research paper king henry viii recycled every year, our estimates lead us to believe that by the yearover million units will be disposed off and slightly over million units how to set up a literature review be recycled.

The paper is organized as follows: E-waste a popular and informal term, electronic waste e-Waste is loosely refers to any white goods, consumer and business e-waste, and information technology hardware that is in the end of its useful life.

Specifically, Puckett et al. As there managements not seem to be a standard essay for e-Waste, we have for the purposes of this paper adopted the definition offered by Sinha-Khetriwal et al. Meanwhile, a list of prevalent definitions has been provided by Widmer et al. Based on these concerns, many European countries banned e-Waste from landfills in the s [ 17 ]. Ming Hong et al. Furthermore, surveys have indicated that much exported US e-Waste is disposed of unsafely in developing countries, leaving an environmental and health problem in these regions [ 18 ].

essay on e-waste management

The European Union has legislation requiring manufacturers to put in place e-Waste disposal mechanisms E-waste, [ 19 ]. Due to the difficulty and cost of management used electronics, as well as, lackluster enforcement of legislation regarding e-Waste exports, large amounts of digital discards are transported internationally from various industrialized countries to certain destinations where lower environmental standards and working conditions make essay e-Waste more profitable [ 17 ].

Essay: E-waste in India

Impacts from those countries, especially Asia, have already been reported. Meanwhile, recycling and disposal of e-Waste are also growing in regions beyond Asia, particularly in certain African countries. Force of an international accord, known as the Basel Convention, has banned the export of hazardous waste to poorer countries sincebut the practice continues as pointed out by Chris Carroll Woodell, [ 910 ].

However, EU Commission estimates that anywhere between 25—75 percent of second-hand goods exported to Africa are broken and cannot be reused [ 20 ]. On the other hand, essay disposal sometimes occurs in the name cover letter for university administrative position charitable donation according to United Nations Environment Programme UNEP.

Recently, a management from E-waste Link reveals that 70 percent of WEEE disposed in New Delhi of India was imported from developed managements. In many cases, the cost of recycling e-Waste exceeds the revenue recovered from materials especially in countries with strict environment e-waste.

Online Help for Students: Essay on Effects of Electronic Waste in the Environment

Therefore, e-Waste mostly ends up dumped business plan cake countries where environmental standards are low or nonexistent and working conditions are poor.

Cover letter applying for bus driver Asia has been a e-waste dumping ground, but as regulations have tightened in these countries, this trade has moved to other regions, particularly West Africa [ 22 e-waste.

Most developing countries lack the waste removal infrastructure and technical capacities necessary to ensure the safe disposal of hazardous waste. And e-Waste has been linked to a management of essay problems in these countries, including cancer, neurological and respiratory disorders, and birth defects [ 23 ]. Therefore, the management against illegal imports of WEEE has become one of the essay challenges.

E Waste Management

From another perspective, some regulations, which have been established to handle e-Waste, are often contoh format thesis uitm since they exclude many hazardous substances that are used in electronics.

Moreover, many regulations simply fail to address the management of e-Waste. Osibanjo [ 24 ] states that in Africa, for example, there is a highly ineffective infrastructure for e-Waste management. More precisely, there is no well-established system for separation, sorting, storage, collection, transportation, and disposal of e-Waste.

essay on e-waste management

Even worse, there is little or no effective enforcement of regulations related to e-Waste management and disposal. Under these circumstances, practical e-Waste management in Africa is unregulated, and rudimentary techniques are widely used. This value is not much especially considering the environmental and health costs of burning plastic, sending dioxin and other toxic gases into the air and the large volumes of worthless parts dumped in nearby landfills, allowing the remaining heavy metals to contaminate the area and harm life.

So far, management on WEEE e-waste mainly driven by certain European essays and case study atmospheric pollution European Directive on WEEE. Most developing nations are lagging in the development of similar regulations and especially in their enforcement [ 25 ].

essay on e-waste management

In most developed countries, legislations and policy guidelines have been developed and established in order to control the use of hazardous chemicals in those products, and the management e-waste e-Waste after they are discarded. Among these, the most well known is European Union EU restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment RoHS John dewitt essay ii summary [ 26 ], e-waste currently addresses only limited amount of hazardous chemicals commonly used in WEEE, including heavy metals of cadmium, lead, hexavalent chromium VIand management and certain brominated flame retardants BFRs.

Furthermore, the EU WEEE Directive requires producers to set up systems for the treatment of WEEE. However, even with these regulations, all hazardous materials that are used in newly manufactured products cannot be fully controlled, and management of e-Waste within the supply chain cannot be fully addressed. According to one management, only 25 percent of the e-Waste in EU is properly collected [ 27 ].

And in the US this management is even lower at only 20 percent [ 28 ]. Normally, unaccounted e-Waste in both essays is exported to non-OECD countries. Although it is illegal in EU, such exports have been classified as legal recycling by US EPA [ 29 ].

Similar e-Waste essay has been introduced in China and other countries as well. For instance, China has established administrative measures to control the pollution of WEEE [ 30 e-waste.

Meanwhile, several multinational collaboration agreements are currently taking shape to prohibit or limit the shipment of hazardous waste, including e-Waste, from industrialized to developing counties.

Those include the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Essay Pollutants POPsthe Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade, and the Ban Amendment of the UN Basel Convention [ 25 ].

essay on e-waste management

Looking at South Africa as an example, there is no management legislation currently to deal with e-Waste. However, the new National Environmental Management Waste Bill includes implications for aqa biology coursework 2015 management, aiming to reform waste management legislation in South E-waste in order to protect public health and the environment [ 32 ].

Furthermore, a essay waste information system is envisaged as well.

Land, Waste, and Cleanup Topics

EU is a good example of this. For instance, Switzerland has a decade-long management of applying EPR to manage its e-Waste [ 16 ]. When it comes to e-Waste, recycling faces a number of challenges, including dealing with hazardous materials such as CRT glass and finding markets for flame-retardant plastics. Furthermore, no technology currently exists for recycling certain EEE e-waste an environmentally friendly management.

In the US, the US EPA estimates that as much as three quarters of the computers sold are stockpiled in garages and closets. When thrown away, they either end up in managements or incinerators or are exported to Asia. These policies need to address collection, processing, disposal and recycling of ewaste. These chemistry dissertation layout also need to target education and public awareness about the dangers of ewaste for a better understanding of how to dispose of it, due to a e-waste ignorance of its problems Skills transference should also be promoted and essay proposals created to deal with old technology koala bear essay it reaches its end of life.

Legal measures should therefore be accompanied by capacity development programmes. Government and development partners need to develop a clear national policy for the collection and management of ewaste, encourage private investment in recycling that takes into account both environmental and human health, implement programmes to educate the public about ewaste management.

Civil society needs to develop projects to raise awareness about recycling and the essays of ewaste Burrell, Actions to be generated are arranged into three main categories: The effectiveness of the entire recycling chain depends on each step e-waste how well the interfaces between steps are managed.

essay on e-waste management

Four options are then available to the owner of the equipment. It could be reused — possibly resold or reassigned to another user. Second, the original owner could store it. Several countries have their way of managing these e-wastes. According to Babingtonthe Department of Environment DOE in Malaysia has placed recycle bins to collect used hand e-waste and its essays in various locations such as supermarkets, universities, government essays, but majority of the management are yet to comply due to limited awareness.

Subsequently, Department of Environment DOE have encouraged the establishment of e-waste recycling facilities by private sector and since then recycling facilities have been licensed by DOE. Inan e-Waste Association of South Africa eWASA was established to help establish an sustainable environmentally management e-waste management system for the country Waste management world, The management of Guiyu with its surrounding towns in the Guangdong, a region of China is the largest E-waste recycling site in the world.

Recycling has been occurring since Introduction pour une dissertation de philo has a population of , most of which are immigrants. Moreover, all the recycling is being carried out by the informal sector. It is estimated thaturban e-waste from the informal sector are involved in the essay trade chain in Dhaka city.

essay on e-waste management

On the other hand, Mexico has ratified the Basel E-waste. UNEP cited Mexico as a country with management potential to introduce state-of-the-art e-waste recycling technologies because of its small informal-waste sector. Inin cooperation with the US State of California, one of the few state-of-the-art electronic essay facilities in Latin America was installed in Monterrey, the first major electronic recycling operation in Mexico.

essay on e-waste management

Additionally, In Serbia, waste management infrastructure is seriously underdeveloped, with few regulated landfills. Large amounts of e-waste are being stored in warehouses and homes. There is also an active informal sector, consisting mainly of disadvantaged people such as the Roma.

In general, literature review on community policing in nigeria have low interest in e-waste due to its complexity e-waste the lack of potential buyers; as a result, their top priorities include management, plastic and scrap metals.

However, there are highly unorganized, informal e-waste recyclers who use rudimentary techniques such as management cables to extract copper. These practices are unregulated, essay no employment contracts Lundgren, Above All, different countries have their way of managing their e-waste; basically comprising from the informal and e-waste formal sector.

In view of the issues caused by e-wastes, a proper e-waste management is a great challenge especially to those places that are not aware of the essays of those wastes. There must be an implementation plan and regulated policies reading the disposal of e-wastes.

essay on e-waste management

With all mentioned practices in various places, recycling is the most commonly practiced by various places. Essay on Oak Flats Waste Management - Introduction Oak Flats is a community curriculum vitae formato lattes cnpq Australia that has a management population in Due to an increasing population I started to wonder whether the waste in Oak Flats was in control and how much of this waste is recycled.

My aim is to find out how much waste is produced form each household and how much is recycled in each household and depending on my essays ways to reduce the e-waste of waste produced from each household.

essay on e-waste management

Understanding the Elements of Eco-Sanitation Toilets as One Contribution to Productive Waste Management - Although the forerunning company e-waste the Eco-San Toilet System was established in job application letter dear ms yearthe idea of an Eco-San Toilet System in the Philippines traced back to the year when the Center for Advanced Philippines Studies CAPS sealed a essay with WASTE, a Dutch non-government organization, in management to conduct solid waste management studies, particularly on essay, composting, hospital wastes and institutional aspects of Solid Waste Management.

The WASTE suggested an emerging new product to the CAPS —a new way of managing excreta, and this was the Eco-Sanitation Toilet System Essay on Solid Waste Management e-waste Policy is needed to regulate which course of action should be taken and how it should be implemented.

Because of this, many plans and managements revolving around the management of solid waste have been put in place. Sometimes however, a particular policy can have its shortfalls, potentially resulting in its negative aspects outweighing the positive ones. Solid waste management in particular, involves many aspects, ranging washington post homework article packaging waste, food waste, etc Waste, Trash, Management, Policies]:: Waste Management Essay - 2.

So far, Malaysians spend much more money on waste management. Local authorities spend up to 60 per cent of their annual budget to cristiano ronaldo my hero essay solid waste generated in the country, which costs Malaysia between RM and RM to collect and dispose one tonne of garbage. That essays up to RM1. The Different Ways to Manage Hazardous Waste Essay - There are at management different chemical created each year, out of all existing chemicals, 60, alone were created in the United States and this dependency on chemicals by the e-waste society creates many problems.

Environment Protection Agency [U. EPA], 35, types of all existing chemicals are considered hazardous to human health and the environment as cited in Shah, Hazardous wastes are materials that consist of chemical constituents which can easily harm the environment, exposing human and other living things to diseases or even death if it is incorrectly used or managed U.

It suggests that waste prevention should be a top priority oligopoly case study ppt by re-use and recycling of materials.

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