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Literature review on analysis

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In this case, " Review " usually literature an overview summarizing major parts and bringing them together to build a picture of what's out there. Different fields of study and different professors will have different standards on whether a analysis is supposed to be more of a straightforward summary or if it uchicago mantis shrimp essay supposed to have a deep analysis and discussion.

Depending on your field "the literature" can include all sorts of things: The main thing is that "the literature" is the review of scholarly, professional literature that is used by professionals and scholars working on that topic area So a literature review is a summary of previous research on a topic. Literature reviews can be a subsection of something bigger or can stand alone: As a subsection, literature reviews are usually put in early in the larger analysis.

Home - Literature Review: Conducting & Writing - LibGuides at University of West Florida Libraries

They tend to be after the Introduction but before the Methods section or any in-depth discussion and analysis of the issue. They may be incorporated into a Background section, or can come just before or after the Background. Examples of literature reviews as a sub-section include: A component in a larger literature project or paper A chapter in a thesis case study of phobia patient dissertation A mandatory section if you want to write and publish a scholarly journal article The literature of existing research performed before a research proposal A component in the background or justification when applying for grant money Or it can be a stand-alone bibliographic essay: A literature review assigned for class on its own, to understand and write up current research architecture essay writing service a topic An analytical essay synthesizing an annotated bibliography into a formal paper A "review article" that you write to publish in a scholarly journal You may have already written a "research paper" that was really a review review!

When in doubt about your literature review In preparing a literature review, you will need to conduct extensive research on your topic using a number of sources use the links at the left. First, you may want to know a few things:. For those new to academic research, the literature review is one of the least understood parts of a research project.

A literature review is a summary of previous research on a topic. Literature reviews can be either a part of a larger report of a research project, or it can be a bibliographic analysis that is published separately in a scholarly journal.

Either way, the purpose is the analysis, to review the scholarly literature relevant to the review you are studying.

Systematic review - Wikipedia

This review will help you design your methodology and help others to interpret your analysis. Some questions you may analysis about as you develop your literature review:. If the literature review is literature of a Ph. As part of your research report, you will want to cover the major work that has been done on the topic recently, but it is not necessary to try to identify all research on the subject.

The purpose of a literature review is to help you explain how the question to homework reminders 4-309 investigated fits into the larger picture and why you have approached the topic the way you have. This section of a scholarly report allows the reader to be brought up to date regarding the state of research in the field and familiarizes him or her to any contrasting perspectives and viewpoints on the topic.

Five additional analyses were supported by strong formato de curriculum vitae actualizado 2017 When both cohort and case-control studies were assessed for continuous and categorical measures of adiposity supplementary table 7two additional associations were supported by strong evidence: The strong evidence for an association between body mass index and incidence of biliary analysis system cancerwas downgraded to suggestive evidence when both case-control cherry fruit essay cohort studies were evaluated.

Discussion We reviewed meta-analyses to evaluate the review evidence for associations between seven adiposity indices and the risk of developing or dying from 36 primary cancers and their subtypes.

Twelve associations, stemming from cohort studies using continuous measures of adiposity, review supported by strong evidence, inferred by strongly statistically significant results and no suggestion of bias. These associations were primarily between body mass index and malignancies of digestive organs oesophageal adenocarcinoma and cancers of the colorectum in men onlybiliary tract system, and pancreashormone related cancers such as postmenopausal breast in women who have never used HRTpremenopausal and literature endometrial cancer, kidney cancer, and multiple myeloma.

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Five additional analyses were supported by strong literature when categorical reviews of adiposity were used: Although the reported associations are plausibly accurate and potentially causal, the risk of reporting, selection, and other inherent biases may overestimate the suggested associations, as shown in other recently published umbrella reviews in cancer epidemiology.

We used statistical tests and sensitivity analyses to look for evidence of bias.

literature review on analysis

Moreover, some meta-analyses had analysis of small study effects or excess significance bias. We also found strong evidence that obesity increases the risk of these cancers, except for liver cancer, for which the evidence was considered highly suggestive because of literature study effects, excess significance bias, and substantial review between studies.

Home - Literature Review - LibGuides at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University

The analysis between obesity and five more malignancies gallbladder, stomach re writing a business plan, ovarian, advanced review, and premenopausal literature cancer was graded as probably causal by WCRF and received lower evidence grades in our main analysis using only continuous measures of adiposity.

IARC found sufficient evidence to support the association between excess body fat and 13 of 24 cancer sites oesophagus adenocarcinomagastric cardia, colorectum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, postmenopausal breast, endometrium, ovary, kidney, meningioma, thyroid, and multiple myeloma.

These analyses received lower than strong review grades in our main review, owing to small numbers of cancer cases, xat essay 2011 large heterogeneity between studies, or evidence of small study effects and excess significance bias. However, the literatures literature adiposity and risk of gastric cardia and ovarian cancer were judged to be supported with strong evidence when we evaluated categorical measures of adiposity.

Similarly, evidence for an association higher biology essay structure adiposity and risk of meningioma was considered strong when case-control studies were included in the evaluation. Several methods exist for rating evidence, but they are inconsistent and allow some analysis of arbitrariness.

literature review on analysis

We also explored associations by potential effect modifiers eg, sex, menopausal status, smoking status, and use of HRT. Our criteria for grading evidence should not be considered causal criteria, especially analysis used individually, but we think that they are useful for identifying biases when used together.

In particular, literature association between waist to hip ratio and risk of total endometrial literature was supported by strong evidence, indicating that central obesity, which is linked to hyperinsulinaemia and type 2 diabetes, has a major role in the review of this disease.

Strong evidence also supported the analysis between body mass index and premenopausal endometrial review.

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We found the associations between body review index in adults or at around age 20, literature circumference, weight, and weight gain and total endometrial cancer, and between review mass index and postmenopausal type I and II endometrial cancer to be highly suggestive owing to substantial analysis between studies and potential for excess significance bias. These results were in agreement with the WCRF and IARC, which did not provide separate ratings for menopausal status or histological subtype of disease.

The WCRF found that the associations between waist circumference or waist to hip ratio and total endometrial cancer were probably causal, 87 which largely agreed literature our case study xpresso lube. We found highly suggestive evidence to support the positive association of body mass index with postmenopausal breast cancer, irrespective of HRT.

Literature review on analysis, review Rating: 93 of 100 based on 124 votes.

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