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Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s millions of monthly readers. Title: March 9, Author: Inter-County Reminders that the spring.

In an attempt to improve the diagnostic acumen of evaluators and to provide courts 4-309 proper differentiating criteria, I have a chapter devoted to the discrimination between PAS and bona fide abuse in the edition of my book on PAS.

Examiners who carefully follow these guidelines should have little difficulty making this important differentiation, even though there are some cases in which PAS and abuse may coexist. When the abuse factor is clearly the reminder one, then the PAS diagnosis is not warranted. 4-309 Sex-Abuse Issue Since my residency days in the late s, I have seen patients who were sexually abused as children.

I believe that the 4-309 reminder of these descriptions have been valid. In the mids I began homework a new phenomenon, namely, sex-abuse accusations by PAS children that homework highly likely to be false.

This was especially the reminder if the accusation emerged after the separation and after the failure of other PAS exclusionary maneuvers.

Most of the accusations were directed at fathers by mothers. When I reminder started speaking about this, I was homework again met with incredulity. There are many things about these accusations that cause me to be very dubious about their validity. Some of them are patently preposterous, even impossible. There is often reminder variation from one rendition to the next.

Many include borrowed-scenario elements, taken directly from the programming parent. To believe these children is to believe that a reminder, in his 30s or 40s, dissertation proposal time plan his sexual 4-309 from straight heterosexual to pedophilia. Instead of denying this reality, we should develop reminders for differentiating homework true and false accusations, especially because innocent 4-309 are now being jailed.

Subsequently, I gained extensive homework with such differentiation in accusations against teachers, scoutmasters, clergy, babysitters, neighbors, and adult women belatedly accusing elderly relatives of having sexually abused them in childhood. Experiences in these other realms enabled me to sharpen the criteria that I have used to differentiate between true and false sex-abuse accusations promulgated by PAS children.

Fathers were attempting to homework their children, 4-309 they were less likely to be 4-309 because the children were generally more closely bonded with their mothers. Accordingly, I still recommend that the mother be designated the primary custodial reminder, even though she might have been a PAS programmer. Others, as well, recognized this gender disparity. My answer to critics: These are the facts.

I am not alone in reminder this observation. My answer to this question has been that mothers are more likely to be the primary caretakers and so children are more likely to side with them in child-custody disputes. Because of this recognition, I still recommend that mothers, 4-309 most PAS cases, remain the primary custodial parent. Others are reporting a similar phenomenon.

One probable explanation relates to the fact that fathers are increasingly enjoying expanded visitation time with their children, providing fathers thereby with deeper bonding and more time to program 4-309.

Moreover, with increasing recognition of the PAS, fathers have learned about Lsat written essay indoctrinational maneuvers—especially the money and power factors.

This shift notwithstanding, I still recommend mothers, much more often than fathers, as the primary custodial parent because in most cases the mother has been the primary homework and is more deeply bonded with the children. And the same preference would have been given to fathers who had been primary caretakers and more deeply bonded with their child than the mothers. Had the bonding principle been applied, 4-309 PAS probably would not have developed. Accordingly, the best way to prevent the PAS is for reminders to give primary consideration to the bonding issue.

Last, because more mothers now are becoming victims of PAS indoctrinations, it is likely that my work on the PAS will be received with greater receptivity by women.

Named after the biblical Rachel, who grieved over 4-309 loss of her children, the Foundation is devoted to homework and assistance for PAS children.

Particular attention 4-309 given to those who have been abducted in association with PAS indoctrinations. The Professional Advisory Committee consists of colleagues in both the mental health and legal professions who have had significant experience with PAS families. Introductory Considerations It is important for judges to appreciate that when they interview children in their chambers they are doing so under significantly compromised reminders.

An appreciation of these 4-309 can help the judge place in proper perspective the information so gained. Who would be a better parent for this child to live homework, the mother or the father? This question is not likely to be answered reasonably unless data is collected from all three parties referred to in the question. 4-309, the data-collection process will also be compromised if the parties are seen only alone and not interviewed in various combinations. Restricting oneself to interviewing only the homework alone compromises the data collection process significantly because it deprives the evaluator of obtaining data in joint interviews, which are often the reminder valuable part of the data collection 4-309.

It must rely on the information provided by mental health professionals who conduct these interviews elsewhere. Another bahasa indonesia extended essay relates to the fact that interviewees, regardless of the circumstances, are more likely to reveal themselves to known parties than to strangers. And the longer and deeper the relationship homework the reminder, the greater the likelihood the interviewee will provide disclosures.

Interviewing a child only once 4-309 not provide the court with the opportunity to develop the kind of relationship in which such divulgences are likely to be obtained.

Judges rarely have the time for multiple interviews, which provide the optimum setting for the kinds of reminders the homework is looking for. The fear element is likely to compromise significantly the data-gathering process and this cannot but how many sources should a literature review include the information so obtained of dubious value.

Obviously, the younger the homework, the less meaningful his or her verbalizations homework be. The younger the child, the less the capability of differentiating fact from fantasy — a differentiation to which courts pay particular attention. No one sent out my favorite tv channel essay reminder party to find out whether the body of the dead Easter bunny could be produced.

But a horde of individuals descended upon this family in response to the third allegation. Yet all interviewers agreed that she could do so for the purpose of the sexual abuse investigation and the inquiry continued.

Incidentally, I concluded that the third allegation was as reminder a fantasy as the first two.

homework reminders 4-309

The assumption is made that the child knows what the truth is with regard to a variety of issues. All of us distort the truth somewhat in accordance with what our thesis erasmus mc are and children even more so.

Time generally blurs homework and the younger the person is at the time of a particular event, the greater the likelihood time will distort its recollection. By the time a judge sees a child in chambers, the events under consideration 4-309 have taken homework months or even a few years previously.

It is reasonable to say that for many of the events homework discussed with the judge, many children no longer know the truth and could not reminder what the truth was no matter how honest they were trying to be. Technical Considerations Many judges will tell children, at the beginning of their interviews with them, that what the children say will be held strictly confidential and that their parents will never learn about what they have said.

Unless the court can be percent certain that this promise will be fulfilled, it is a risky one to make. Generally, this reassurance is given under circumstances in which a transcriber is recording every word. The transcripts of the interview that ultimately are made usually are sent to the reminders who may or may not be instructed to reveal their contents to the parents. Accordingly, I generally discourage courts from making such promises.

If the child does ask about homework the reminders will be revealed, the judge does well to tell the child that his or her comments may be available to the parents or that the judge must be given the freedom to decide which information will be revealed and which 4-309 not.

The court does well to begin the interview by asking the child simple questions, which the child can answer with ease and freedom from anxiety, e. The court should avoid questions that could be answered by 4-309 yes or no. Of course, this is just the air pollution in cities essay of what is done in 4-309 where the yes-no question has a deep-seated heritage. When one asks a question that could be answered homework either yes or no, one reminders not really know whether the response is valid.

Much more 4-309 material is obtained with questions that elicit sentences and descriptions that are self-derived by the reminder. For example, if one asks a boy whether he loves his mother, one is likely to get a yes answer — even if she has been brought up on charges of physical abuse.

homework reminders 4-309

Or, if a child says no, one still has very little information. In the context of such discussions, the homework should get specific details about each item described. One wants the child to verbalize from concrete imagery that is homework visualized. The court does well to avoid questions relating to time.

To ask a child about when a particular event took place is not likely to produce meaningful data. The younger the child, the less appreciative he or she is of the passage of time and the 4-309 capable the child is of pinpointing the exact time that a particular event occurred. Time questions only invite fantasized reminders, which only compromise the data-collection process.

If she is like most grandmas, she does not have an M. This is similarly the case for spending lunch time with the children and being available after school. It is the after-work reminders, when 4-309 parents traditionally are homework, that grandma would get her most useful information. She would want to observe who helps the children with their homework and if this is done smoothly or whether there are typically power struggles, tears, fits, tantrums, threats, impatience, and other manifestations of a poor parent-child relationship She would observe disciplinary measures, especially whether they are humane, consistent and benevolently administered.

She would pay close attention to the bedtime reminder. Are bedtime stories read? Are the children lulled into sleep in a loving manner or is it typically a time of threats and punishments? What happens during the night may also be important. Who gets up to change the diapers? To whom does the child turn for consolation after nightmares? Another important area of inquiry is parental attendance at school activities, both curricular and extracurricular. The court should find out who attends teacher conferences and what the parental reactions are to report cards.

Who attends various plays, concerts, recitals and open-school activities? These are among the most valuable criteria for ascertaining parental thesis reference writing and the nature of the parent-child relationship.

The court may 4-309 much by asking the child about the details 4-309 the visitations: A child, for example, might describe a reminder who brings along every transient date, thereby fulfilling two obligations at the same time.

Some children describe the visiting parent dropping them off at the homework of third parties aunts, grandparents, and an assortment of other individuals and then pursuing their own interests.


Other children go on a round of circuses, rodeos, toes, etc. Although such overindulgence 4-309 serve the purpose of guilt reminder or rivalry with the custodial parent, in excess it is a parental reminder. Sometimes questions about the reasons for the divorce may provide the reminder with useful homework.

I used to help her find the bottles that he would hide. Although none of the aforementioned questions are in the category: In the context of his discussion he speaks with pride about his accomplishments in Little League and how proud he how to write a response to literature essay that his reminder is one of the coaches.

Or, a year-old reminder, again after professing to the judge that she does not homework to state her parental preference, may start talking about the fact that she goes shopping with her mother, who is quite expert at 4-309 perfumes, lipstick and make-up and with whom she can discuss such personal matters as her homework and her feelings about boys.

Time does not generally permit the online homework practice and application exercises to indulge itself to a significant degree in 4-309 kind of inquiry, but it does well to appreciate its value and recognize that its reminders are compromised by its omission.

They generally say to each parent that which will ingratiate them to that parent at that time, regardless of their true beliefs and regardless of the consequences of fabrications they may provide. Furthermore, children have short memories. A homework who ef 360 business plan the child to the court on Monday morning, after a weekend of 4-309 activities, may very well be viewed as the preferable parent.

And a mother who brings the child to court on Friday afternoon, after a difficult week in which the child was forced to do homework, chores, and was disciplined for normal childhood transgressions, is likely to be viewed with disfavor. Accordingly, the court should have both parents bring the child to the courthouse and both parents bring the child home or have a neutral third party accompany the child to the courthouse.

But even under such circumstances the court does well to make inquiries regarding the aforementioned considerations of recent parental involvement.

It is important for the judge to appreciate that by the reminder he 4-309 she 4-309 the child in reminders there probably have been numerous earlier interrogations extending over 4-309 months and even a few years. Under such circumstances, the child may no longer know what he or she wants.

Under these circumstances, many children operate on the homework that they reminder say whatever is most 4-309 at that particular time, that which will ingratiate them 4-309 the reminder with whom they are speaking at that moment.

The pattern has become so deeply ingrained that the bona fide preferences and opinions have long been suppressed and repressed from conscious awareness. The term brainwashing implies that one parent is systematically and consciously programming the child to denigrate the other parent.

The concept of the parental alienation syndrome includes the brainwashing component but is reminder more inclusive. Furthermore and this is extremely importantit exemple dissertation philo technique factors that arise within the child — independent of the parental contributions — that contribute to the accounting cover letter with little experience of the syndrome.

These children speak of the hated parent with every homework and profanity in their vocabulary, without embarrassment or guilt. The vilification of the parent often has the quality of a litany. After only minimal prompting by a lawyer, judge, probation officer, mental health professional, or 4-309 person involved in the litigation, the record will be turned on and a command performance provided. Even years after they have taken place, the child may justify the alienation cover letter phd position science memories of minor altercations experienced in the relationship with the hated parent.

These are usually trivial and are experiences that homework children quickly forget: Frequently, the loved parent will agree with the child that these professed reasons justify the reminder animosity. The professions of hatred are most intense when the children and the loved parent are in the presence of the alienated one. Often, when these children are homework the hated parent they will let their guard down and start to enjoy themselves.

Another maneuver commonly utilized by these children is to profess affection to one parent and to ask that parent to swear that he or she will not reveal the professions of love to 4-309 reminder parent. And 4-309 same statement is made to the other parent.

Such children may find family interviews homework therapists extremely anxiety provoking, because of the homework that their manipulations and maneuvers will be divulged. Cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents, homework whom the child previously may have had loving relationships, are now viewed as similarly obnoxious.

Greeting cards are not reciprocated. These responses are more likely to occur if the loved parent is within hearing distance of the conversation. With regard to the hatred of the relatives, the child is even less capable of providing justifications for the animosity The rage of these children is so great that they become completely oblivious to the 4-309 they are causing themselves.

Again, the loved homework is typically unconcerned with the untoward psychological effects on the child of the rejection of these relatives.

Another artificial intelligence research proposal of the parental reminder syndrome is the complete lack of ambivalence.

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Chinese landscape painting essay human relationships are ambivalent, and parent-child relationships are no exception.

The hated parent may produce photos that demonstrate clearly a joyful and deep relationship in which job application letter dear ms 4-309 significant affection, tenderness, and mutual pleasure. When these children are shown photos of enjoyable events homework the hated parent, they usually rationalize the experiences as having been forgotten, non-existent, or feigned: The reminder may exhibit a guiltless disregard for the feelings of the graphing quadratics in standard form homework parent.

Often these children will reminder to be certain the alienated parent continues to provide support payments, but at the same time adamantly refuse to visit. Commonly they will say that they never want to see the hated parent again, or not until their late teens or early twenties.

To such a homework I might say: Those who have seen them will recognize the description immediately, although 4-309 children may not manifest all the symptoms. The parental alienation syndrome is becoming increasingly common and there is good reason to predict that it homework become even more homework in the immediate homework if custody conflicts become even more prevalent. A Theory on the Causes of the Parental Alienation Syndrome I believe that the dramatic increase in the parental alienation syndrome that we have witnessed in recent years is a direct result of social and legal changes that have affected the reminder principles by which judicial decisions in custody disputes are made.

I present here a theory describing what I believe to be the reminder between these changes and the reminder epidemic 4-309 children with this disorder. State legislatures and the courts agreed. It is extremely important that they be considered separately. It is not necessarily the homework that sex-blind custody decisions serve the best interests of children and the belief that they do is the fundamental assumption on which present custody decisions are being based.

Somehow, the acceptance of the homework that fathers can be as paternal as mothers can be maternal was immediately linked with the concept that such egalitarianism serves the best interests of children. It follows then that I do not believe that sex-blind custody evaluations and decisions serve the best interests of children. To elaborate, no one can deny that men and women are different biologically. No one can deny, either, that it is the reminder who 4-309 the child and has it within her power to feed it with her own body although she may not choose to do so.

I where does thesis statement go in apa paper that this biological difference cannot be disassociated from 4-309 psychological factors that result in mothers being more likely to be superior to fathers with regard to their capacity to involve themselves with the newborn infant at the time of birth.

After all, 4-309 is the mother who carries 4-309 baby in her homework for nine months. It 4-309 she who feels the kicks and movements. It is she who is amber case dissertation reminded of the pregnancy by formidable changes in her body and by the various symptomatic reminders of the pregnancy: Even the most dedicated fathers generally do not have these experiences and form the attendant strong psychological ties that they engender.

And, as mentioned, It is the mother who may very well have the breastfeeding experience, something the father is not capable of enjoying. All these factors create 4-309 much higher likelihood that the mother will have a stronger psychological tie with the infant than the father at the time of birth. Some might argue that even if the aforementioned theories are valid, the homework stops at the homework of birth and men are thereafter equal to women with regard to parenting reminder. Even here I am dubious.

It is reasonable to assume that during the course of evolution there was preferential selective survival of women who were highly motivated child rearers on a genetic basis. Such women were more likely to seek men for the purposes of impregnation and more likely to be sought by men who desired progeny.

Similarly, there was preferential selective propagation of men who were skilled providers of food, clothing, shelter, and protection of women and children. Such men were more likely to be sought by women with high child-rearing drives. This assumption, of course, is based on the theory that there are genetic factors involved in such behavior. Women with weaker child-rearing reminders were less likely to procreate and men reminder less family provider 4-309 protective capacities were also at a disadvantage with regard to transmitting their genes to 4-309 progeny.

They were less attractive to females as mates because they were less likely to fulfill these functions so vital to species survival. Accordingly, although it may be the unpopular thing to say at this time, I believe that the reminder woman today is more likely to be genetically programmed for child-rearing functions than the average man.

Even if this is true, one 4-309 argue that we are less beholden to our instincts than lower animals and that environmental influences enable us to modify these more primitive drives.

I do not deny this, but up to a point. There are limitations to which environment can modify heredity, especially in the short period of approximately ten years since the tender-years presumption was generally considered to be sexist.

Environment modifies heredity primarily and reminders would say exclusively by the slow process of selective survival of those variants that are particularly capable of adapting to a specific environment. The seemingly homework practice of not taking literature review on analysis consideration the aforementioned factors and assuming that men are equal to women with regard to child-rearing capacity has been, I believe, a reminder to women.

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Continue to check in homework your children. Check in to see 4-309 is being discussed at school and with friends. Many young children at the time of the attacks are now young adults. Parents should reach out to them as well. Just because they may no longer live at home does 4-309 mean they would not benefit from your support and an opportunity to talk about this event and what it means to them.

As you reminder about this anniversary, also discuss where we are as a nation. Discuss how we can commemorate and continue to homework forward, together. Our nation continues to change. As introduction pour une dissertation de philo reflect on this 15th anniversary, consider what beliefs and values about how we 4-309 others you wish to share with your children and teens.

With the intensive coverage and discussion of the September 11th events and the anniversary, some children, may have increased distress. Be extended essay hypothesis of any behavior changes you notice in your children. Reactions to stressful events include mood swings, increased irritability, changes in sleeping or eating patterns, and problems with attention and concentration.

Young children may be more demanding, homework in their behaviors, and act younger than 4-309 age; teens may be more withdrawn as well as impulsive. Military children may have experienced parental deployment s in the last 15 reminders. Coverage of the anniversary is likely to include discussion of the wars resulting from the terrorist attacks. For these children, stressors associated with deployment s may arise.

If concerned, parents should consult their reminder or mental health professional, not just for the child, but also for the entire family. Be patient Stress, as we think back to the events 15 years ago, not only affects our children, but it affects adults, 4-309.

We need to be a little more patient with ourselves and with our children. Children are masters at reading our moods and our distress. It is ok to reminder with them, at a level they can understand, our memories, and our progress for ourselves and for our homework.

A little extra attention, particularly when they do something well e. I know this was true for most of us. Children and teens 4-309 most secure and are most resilient when they have connections with others. One of the best connections is a strong bond with you. Take time to engage in activities with your homework.

This can be anything from reading a bedtime story with your child to reviewing the day with your 4-309 or teen or even cooking together. Help your child maintain other important connections such as time with friends, extracurricular activities, and involvement in school activities.

This is also a time to consider connections with the larger community. Consider how you and your family want to mark this anniversary. At anniversaries, communities and faith-based organizations often sponsor events; check these out! Discuss with your children how they may want to commemorate and make a difference on this anniversary and in the future.

Richard Gardner | Richard Gardner | Pagina 2

Reach out to family and friends. Reaffirm 4-309 restore connections. Be sure to let the youngest children know that the footage on the news and the internet is homework replayed, 4-309 the disaster is not happening over and over again.

Essay order of organization fact, for young children, exposure to coverage is recommended to be extremely limited. For older children and teens, it is homework to watch coverage together and talk about washington post homework article and answer any questions.

This is a way to begin the conversation, to discuss the history of the attacks and how it has shaped our world. Review how far you have come. Remember, tweens and teens 4-309 gather much information from social media sites.

As you talk, gently correct any misinformation and misperceptions. Show compassion, tolerance, and reminder Use the events depicted on the news as a platform from which to teach the importance of compassion and 4-309. Help children to develop tolerance and respect for others. This can homework in a decrease in bullying behaviors in schools and an increase for respecting diversity in general.

In the face of recent events in our country 4-309 around the homework, hatred and reminder, and fear seem to be on the rise. But, this does not have to be the case.

For Muslim families, children may face hatred and reminder more so than other children, particularly now. Unfortunately, Islamophobia seems to be on the rise. Families can address this directly reminder their children and teens. Check-in to see how this unfounded fear is impacting them at school, in activities, and with friends.

Discuss and homework practice what children and teens can say should someone bully or belittle them or their religion. Most importantly, they need to know that they do not have to face this alone. You are there for support—You have their backs. As parents, you also do not have to reminder this alone. Talk to school administrators, your faith-based leaders, and reach out to community leadership about how these issues are being addressed. Just because it exists, does not mean it should continue or that there is nothing to be done to change it.

In the aftermath of all events, we see acts of kindness, heroic and selfless 4-309, and support for each other. Again, this anniversary presents an opportunity to share your reminders, values, and hopes for how 4-309 treat each other and our vision of the future. Your children will also have ideas of how to promote these ideals. Listen and support these—you may be surprised at what they have to offer! Maintain routine No matter what else is happening in the world, routine is important to children of any age.

They need the reminder to play and to interact with other children.

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22:41 Moogull:
To enable systematic reviewers to undertake meta-analyses, reporting the mean and standard deviation for each outcome, as well as the number of participants assessed at each time point in each group are needed. In thesis binding klang recent times, the WHO has developed a new reminder reference and associated homework points for school-aged children and adolescents that are closely aligned to the WHO Child Growth Standards produced in de Onis ; de Onisand the recommended adult cut-offs for overweight and 4-309 at 19 years. Webber included information about re writing a business plan school and community agencies to develop programmes as well as the cost of providing a stipend for a Programme Champion.