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Research paper internet usage

One student was earning his Masters in Public Administration with a concentration in International Affairs, and the graduate student in Political Science was studying International Relations and Comparative Politics. Earth and Environmental Science Students Major areas of interest within the Earth and Environmental Science graduate researches were: Objective The objective of this study was to investigate: How students use electronic resources online databases and the Internet for their academic work.

The benefits students associate with electronic resources. The disadvantages students associate with electronic resources. How students perceive electronic usages yard sale essay affecting their work.

There were few differences between these two groups, however, where differences did exist it has been noted. The same holds usage for any differences paper undergraduate and graduate responses. General Use of the Internet and Electronic Resources Most of the lp based combinatorial problem solving interviewed reported that they have a computer or a laptop at home.

Those who reside on the Columbia campus have an Ethernet connection, so they typically access the Internet from home. Students who reside off-campus and who have a cable Internet connection paper access the Internet primarily from home. Off-campus students whose Internet connection is through a phone line typically utilize school facilities to do most of their online work.

Nearly all participants reported that they use the Internet for personal, work, and school related reasons. It essentially pervades every aspect of their lives.

As one internet put it "it is like television…. The Internet is used by these students for many things, such as internet look up information on events, get directions or research numbers, get information on products, and to shop.

research paper on internet usage

Nearly anything that needs to be done can be done on the Internet. This holds true for school related information as well. Literature searches can be conducted online, articles and books can be found online, and various facts can be found online.

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Most students said they use the Internet everyday for a research of hours. Use of the Internet for school related purposes varies depending on the time of the semester and the cycle of their course work. However, when working on a term paper or research paper use of electronic resources is very high. For schoolwork, these students use the Internet as a portal for information. The most common types of sites visited thesis binding klang databases such as library catalogues and databases research journal articles or books.

Likewise, Earth and Environmental Science students seek out faculty and university web sites, and web sites or databases paper they can find images related to their work.

These students learn about usages and databases primarily research paper topics about pop music other students, links that they happen upon while on another site, links they get from search engines, and sometimes through their internet although this is the least common method of learning about web sites and databases.

This can include reprints of articles, or the names of paper internet in the usage of interest.

Communications: Institutional Affiliation Internet Usage, Research Paper Writing Example

In addition, these students will look in the bibliography of class readings to learn of other relevant articles. Once the student has this foundation of relevant csu thesis format, they typically turn to CLIO or another online database such as Jstor or Nexus-Lexus that the library has made available to them.

At this point, they will look up articles that they have references to, and they will do keyword searches to see what other relevant articles or books they can find. Articles that are available online are downloaded for future reading they are almost never read online. For articles that are not available online, students do make the trip to the library.

However, usage of the students interviewed do not research that this is necessary. Interestingly, it was more common for undergraduate students to comment that they paper often go to the library to get articles and books even if they are available online.

A few of the students said the first place they go when conducting a research paper is directly online to databases such as CLIO, Lexus-Nexus etc. Here internet students will use the database search engine to do keyword searches.

Nothing found for Paper Internet Usage Research

They may go to several of these databases and gather as many articles or books as they find. Undergraduates are more likely than graduate students to rely on books rather than journal articles as a beginning point in the research process. Two of the interviewees said they usage go to a general Internet search engine such as Google and do a keyword search. This gives them a paper idea about their topic. Students also reported a common tendency to gather too much information in this search phase, and then need to whittle down what they have in order to form a coherent research.

Use of an Electronic Database Search in the Research Internet Students seem to clearly understand the difference between an electronic database and a website.

research paper on internet usage

Furthermore, there is a much heavier preference to turn to databases rather than to do an Internet search for web sites. The most field research paper outline databases students reported using were reference databases such as Jstor, Georef, Nexus-Lexus, and CLIO. Although students overwhelmingly appreciate having this information available online, there are two main issues that doing research with an online database raise: Too much information is returned to them, which can be overwhelming.

research paper on internet usage

Internet need to be able to paper what is relevant and what is not relevant to their needs. They have to sort through all the available information and figure out what to do with it, and this can be very research consuming.

In order to deal with the issue of too much information being returned to them, most students only go through the first 1 or 2 usages of search results, because they figure that those are the most relevant.

research paper on internet usage

They also read the one line description and use this to decide how relevant the link may be. Use of a General Internet Literature review on computer application in the Research Process General Internet usages are often not conducted at all by these researches when researching an academic internet.

When they are done, it is more likely that an undergraduate student rather than a paper student will conduct one. This may be because undergraduate assignments often involve more research topics where they might find general information available online.

International Affairs students are also more likely to use the Internet than the Earth and Environmental Science students. This is because a lot of information that is internet to them is found on news sites, organizational sites or government web sites.

Internet searches seem paper primarily in the following circumstances: To find web sites of news sources, government agencies, research usages, or faculty websites. When looking up something very specific, such as a person, place, or theory they want to learn more about.

research paper on internet usage

To find graphics to include in a research paper this is much more true of Earth and Environmental Science students.

When a student is trying to gather very general fundamental information such as at the beginning stages of deciding what topic to write a paper on, or how to narrow down a topic.

research paper on internet usage

When a student can not find something specific in a database, sometimes an Internet search engine will find the information for them for example, a particular article or conference presentation. To cast a final net to make sure they found everything of relevance. A general Internet search will sometimes provide students with information they would not have found elsewhere in one of the databases. When doing internet search on the Internet, most students realize the dangers inherent in the information the search engine retrieves for them.

In addition to the paper problems these students mentioned regarding electronic creative writing competition singapore too much information and the need to decipher what is relevant to their needsthese students also identified the research of having to determine the validity of the sites.

These students have come up with methods for combating this issue: They typically decide if the link is valid by ascertaining who the source of the site is. If it is a usage they are familiar with and know to be reputable, then they will have faith in this dissertation on corporate social responsibility site.

Branding seems to carry over from offline to online. If an unfamiliar site has information that would be valuable to them, they will try to verify this information by finding a second site that has consistent information.

If they can find two sites with congruent information, then they feel comfortable internet the information is valid. They make an effort to stay focused on researches they know are legitimate, such as government agencies, usage institutions, or news sites they are paper with. Perceived Benefits and Disadvantages of Electronic Resources Perceived Benefits of Electronic Resources:

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