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This can be illustrated by the following table: In underdeveloped essays in Nepal and Tanzania, industrial sector provides employment to manufacturing a handful of persons.

So, development of manufacturing is the key for the all-round prosperity of the country. Essay Classification of Manufacturing: Since very early days of human civilization, manufacturing activities had undergone a massive transformation, both in the production process and of the products. The successive stages of economic development had witnessed the changing types of manufacturing process.

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According to the scale, production process and organization, manufacturing activities may be subdivided into three broad categories. Primitive and cottage industries. Labour intensive traditional and local industries.

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These facilities were not available about 50 essays ago. This results to job loss as the companies don't need any manual handling for the production but rather the machines do everything. Robots reduce the need for human labour people can lose their jobs.

Robots are not well suited to tasks that require essay or flexibility. Many business people like to meet the person they are dealing with face-to-face. It seems important to shake a person's hand and jamie keller college essay body language their vibes. Some communication facilities have some disadvantages like- Email: There are many e-mail viruses in circulation, Mobiles: There is manufacturing speculation about the health risks of mobile phones.

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There have also been reports of mobile phone viruses. This does not happen at all times but if happen then would be a problem. Any organisation that collects or uses information about recognisable living individuals is almost certain to be a data controller and is therefore affected by this Act.

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In most cases this means informing people that the information may be used for direct marketing purposes, and giving them the opportunity to opt out. The data collected is to be stored for the period it is needed for. It should be destroyed if it is no more necessary.

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The data collected by a company from the customers should be accurate so as to comply with the data protection act. There are also other acts, which work alongside this act. ICT has revolutionised the human era. It has changed the way people live now days. ICT is now an essay part of person's life. It has brought the changes for which the humans had manufacturing dreamt of.

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It has enabled the facilities which are vastly used now days.

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