How to apply ISO Standard 21902. Recommendations for key players in the transportation sector

How to apply ISO Standard 21902. Recommendations for key players in the transportation sector

Autor/es: Fundación ONCE ; UNE; UN Tourism


Tourism plays a key role in economic development and delivers a series of beneÿts. However, tourism must be sustainable and inclusive, of all people. By including accessibility and Universal Design principles˜ from the beginning, investment costs over the business cycle can be kept to a minimum; by committing to equality, tourism companies become more sustainable, attract new audiences and can employ people with functional diversity, generating business opportunities and greater product di°erentiation.

Materia: Discapacidad

Año de publicación: 2024

Descriptor: Accesibilidad Turismo

Fecha de catalogación: 2024

Formato: Informes

Soporte: Biblioteca Online

Referencia: 205/2024

Colección: Colección Accesibilidad

Idioma: Inglés

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