European philanthropy at the nexus of disability and the SDGs

Portada European philanthropy at the nexus of disability and the SDGs

Autor/es: Fundación ONCE; European Foundation Centre


Fundación ONCE and the European Foundation Center have jointly elaborated this publication focused on how the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals are serving as a framework for foundations to develop their action on disability inclusion. The publication includes key reflections on this topic as well as examples and testimonies of eleven relevant foundations from nine countries -France, UK, Italy, Spain, Austria, Ireland, Netherlands, Turkey and Georgia. The publication has been developed in the framework of Disability Hub Europe, an initiative led by Fundación ONCE with the co-funding of the European Social Fund.

Editorial: Fundación ONCE/Vía Libre

Materia: Discapacidad

Año de publicación: 2020

Descriptor: Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

Fecha de catalogación: 2020

Formato: Informes

Soporte: Biblioteca Online

Referencia: 0066/2020

Colección: Programa Operativo

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