Ableism in Academia Theorising experiences of disabilities and chronic illnesses in higher education

Ableism in Academia Theorising experiences of  disabilities and chronic illnesses in  higher education


In the contemporary context of social rights and activist movements such as those associated with combatting sexual harassment, gun and knife crime or climate change, we can observe a typical pattern of public responses. These movements offer voices to those who are marginalised, and indeed provide the confidence needed for many people to stand up for specific issues. This, in turn, increases awareness and understanding of and for the marginalised. However, the stronger specific movements become, the more likely it is that the general public will experience a sense of saturation, leading individuals from marginalised groups to be sidelined once...


Año de publicación: 2020

Descriptor: Ciencia

Fecha de catalogación: 2022

Formato: Informes

Soporte: Biblioteca Online

Referencia: 405/2022

Idioma: Inglés

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