Early childhood care: Accessibility and quality of services

Early childhood care: Accessibility and quality of services

Autor/es: The European Foundation


Access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and the quality of such services are important issues that are gaining greater prominence in the EU. This study presents evidence on the elements of working conditions and in-service training that increase the quality of ECEC. Concerning the accessibility of ECEC services, the report describes good practices gathered in the form of case studies that have been evaluated and that describe additional resources for the inclusion in mainstream ECEC services of children with disabilities or learning difficulties, those in a vulnerable social situation and those who belong to disadvantaged groups.



Materia: Discapacidad

Año de publicación: 2015

Descriptor: Infancia

Fecha de catalogación: 2022

Formato: Monografía

Soporte: Biblioteca Online

Referencia: 384/2022

Idioma: Inglés

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